blob: 580e2b85bc898bcbafaafbae4ba8aabbebfda8cb [file] [log] [blame]
Camel Netty HTTP Server Example
This example shows how to use a shared Netty HTTP Server in an OSGi environment.
There is 3 modules in this example
* shared-netty-http-server - The Shared Netty HTTP server that the other Camel applications uses.
* myapp-one - A Camel application that reuses the shared Netty HTTP server
* myapp-two - A Camel application that reuses the shared Netty HTTP server
You will need to compile and prepared this example first:
mvn install
This example requires running in Apache Karaf / ServiceMix
To install Apache Camel in Karaf you type in the shell (we use version 2.12.0):
features:chooseurl camel 2.12.0
features:install camel
First you need to install the following features in Karaf/ServiceMix with:
features:install camel-netty-http
Then you can install the shared Netty HTTP server which by default runs on port 8888.
The port number can be changed by editing the following source file:
In the Apache Karaf / ServiceMix shell type:
osgi:install -s mvn:org.apache.camel/camel-example-netty-http-shared/2.12.0
Then you can install the Camel applications:
osgi:install -s mvn:org.apache.camel/camel-example-netty-myapp-one/2.12.0
osgi:install -s mvn:org.apache.camel/camel-example-netty-myapp-two/2.12.0
From a web browser you can then try the example by accessing the followign URLs:
This example is documented at
If you hit any problems please talk to us on the Camel Forums
Please help us make Apache Camel better - we appreciate any feedback you
may have. Enjoy!
The Camel riders!