blob: 2df7529fcb9d8ad05f7c5db496c24a267b491524 [file] [log] [blame]
Exchange Pattern
There are many different _Message Exchange Patterns_ you can use in
messaging. This concept is also demonstrated in WSDL and JBI's MEPs.
From there link:enterprise-integration-patterns.html[Enterprise
Integration Patterns] the common examples are
* link:request-reply.html[Request Reply]
* link:event-message.html[Event Message] (or one way)
In Camel we have an[ExchangePattern]
enumeration which can be configured on the *exchangePattern* property on
the Message link:exchange.html[Exchange] indicating if a message
exchange is a one way link:event-message.html[Event Message] (InOnly) or
a link:request-reply.html[Request Reply] message exchange (InOut).
For example to override the default pattern on a link:jms.html[JMS]
endpoint you could use this URI