blob: a25cf8f79aa7e5f1ec067e1686ae3b4745f7ae70 [file] [log] [blame]
Event Message
Camel supports the[Event
Message] from the link:enterprise-integration-patterns.html[EIP
patterns] by supporting the link:exchange-pattern.html[Exchange Pattern]
on a link:message.html[Message] which can be set to *InOnly* to indicate
a oneway event message. Camel link:components.html[Components] then
implement this pattern using the underlying transport or protocols.
The default behaviour of many link:components.html[Components] is InOnly
such as for link:jms.html[JMS], link:file2.html[File] or
See the related link:request-reply.html[Request Reply] message.
Explicitly specifying InOnly
If you are using a component which defaults to InOut you can override
the link:exchange-pattern.html[Exchange Pattern] for an endpoint using
the pattern property.
From 2.0 onwards on Camel you can specify the
link:exchange-pattern.html[Exchange Pattern] using the DSL.
*Using the link:fluent-builders.html[Fluent Builders]*
or you can invoke an endpoint with an explicit pattern
*Using the link:spring-xml-extensions.html[Spring XML Extensions]*
<from uri="mq:someQueue"/>
<inOnly uri="bean:foo"/>
<from uri="mq:someQueue"/>
<inOnly uri="mq:anotherQueue"/>
Using This Pattern
If you would like to use this EIP Pattern then please read the
link:getting-started.html[Getting Started], you may also find the
link:architecture.html[Architecture] useful particularly the description
of link:endpoint.html[Endpoint] and link:uris.html[URIs]. Then you could
try out some of the link:examples.html[Examples] first before trying
this pattern out.