tree: b9bb0517cebace4cd301fdbb0db40dc97dad8657 [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/
  2. pom.xml

Kubernetes Example - CDI


This example illustrates the integration between Camel, CDI and Kubernetes.

The example gets the list of pods from a Kubernetes cluster and emulates the output of the kubectl get pods command.

The camel-cdi and camel-kubernetes components are used in this example. The example assumes you have a running Kubernetes cluster in your environment. For example you can use minikube or the vagrant openshift image from Fabric8 team.

By default, the example use the KUBERNETES_MASTER environment variable to retrieve the Kubernetes master URL. Besides, it tries to find the current login token and namespace by parsing the users ~/.kube/config file. However, you can edit the file to override the default and provide the Kubernetes master URL and OAuth token for your environment.

To retrieve the tokens in your kubeconfig file, you can execute the following command:

$ kubectl config view -o jsonpath='{range .users[?(@.user.token != "")]}{.name}{":\t"}{.user.token}{"\n"}{end}'

Alternatively, if you're using OpenShift, you can retrieve the token for the current user with:

$ oc whoami -t


You can build this example using:

$ mvn package


You can run this example using:

$ KUBERNETES_MASTER="https://$(minikube ip):8443/" mvn camel:run

When the Camel application runs, you should see the pods list being logged periodically, e.g.:

2016-08-22 18:29:46,449 [ timer://client] INFO kubernetes-client - We currently have 11 pods:
NAME                                READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
content-repository-yhg9u            1/1       Running   34         49d
docker-registry-1-bv5vk             1/1       Running   34         49d
fabric8-docker-registry-9jd9z       1/1       Running   34         49d
fabric8-forge-8gnro                 1/1       Running   11         17d
fabric8-kw532                       1/1       Running   34         49d
gogs-2exwf                          1/1       Running   22         32d
jenkins-kixdv                       1/1       Running   12         18d
mysql-5-f8trz                       1/1       Running   8          13d
nexus-5j60s                         1/1       Running   71         49d
router-1-7eiu5                      2/2       Running   26         49d
spring-boot-camel-rest-s-13-559vm   1/1       Running   0          6h

The timer has a period option equals to 10s.

The Camel application can be stopped pressing ctrl+c in the shell.

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Please help us make Apache Camel better - we appreciate any feedback you may have. Enjoy!

The Camel riders!