tree: 84a464241fa5703629e06111047da7627ff28698 [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/
  2. pom.xml

Spring & JMS Example


This example shows how to work with the Camel-JMS Component.

The example consumes messages from a queue and invoke the bean with the received message.

The Server is required to be running when you try the clients.

And for the Client we have a total of three flavors:

  • Normal use the ProducerTemplate ala Spring Template style
  • Using Spring Remoting for powerful “Client doesn't know at all its a remote call”
  • And using the Message Endpoint pattern using the neutral Camel API


You will need to compile this example first:

mvn compile


The example should run if you type:

Step 1: Run Server

mvn exec:java -PCamelServer

Step 2: Run Clients

mvn exec:java -PCamelClient
mvn exec:java -PCamelClientRemoting
mvn exec:java -PCamelClientEndpoint

To stop the example hit ctrl+c

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The Camel riders!