blob: bb90a2471c2869e0fefa4641794df4ad4e91d88c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const { dest, series, parallel, src, symlink } = require('gulp');
const del = require('del');
const inject = require('gulp-inject');
const map = require('map-stream')
const path = require('path');
const rename = require('gulp-rename');
const replace = require('gulp-replace');
const sort = require('gulp-sort');
const through2 = require('through2');
const File = require('vinyl')
const fs = require('fs');
function deleteComponentSymlinks() {
return del(['components/modules/ROOT/pages/*', '!components/modules/ROOT/pages/index.adoc']);
function deleteComponentImageSymlinks() {
return del(['components/modules/ROOT/assets/images/*']);
function createComponentSymlinks() {
return src(['../core/camel-base/src/main/docs/*-component.adoc', '../components/{*,*/*}/src/main/docs/*.adoc'])
.pipe(map((file, done) => {
// this flattens the output to just .../pages/....adoc
// instead of .../pages/camel-.../src/main/docs/....adoc
file.base = path.dirname(file.path);
done(null, file);
// Antora disabled symlinks, there is an issue open
// to reinstate symlink support, until that's resolved
// we'll simply copy over instead of creating symlinks
// .pipe(symlink('components/modules/ROOT/pages/', {
// relativeSymlinks: true
// }));
// uncomment above .pipe() and remove the .pipe() below
// when antora#188 is resolved
function createComponentImageSymlinks() {
return src('../components/{*,*/*}/src/main/docs/*.png')
.pipe(map((file, done) => {
// this flattens the output to just .../pages/....adoc
// instead of .../pages/camel-.../src/main/docs/....adoc
file.base = path.dirname(file.path);
done(null, file);
// Antora disabled symlinks, there is an issue open
// to reinstate symlink support, until that's resolved
// we'll simply copy over instead of creating symlinks
// .pipe(symlink('components/modules/ROOT/pages/', {
// relativeSymlinks: true
// }));
// uncomment above .pipe() and remove the .pipe() below
// when antora#188 is resolved
function deleteUserManualSymlinks() {
return del(['user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/*-eip.adoc', 'user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/*-language.adoc']);
function createUserManualSymlinks() {
return src(['../core/camel-base/src/main/docs/*-language.adoc', '../core/camel-core-engine/src/main/docs/eips/*.adoc'])
// Antora disabled symlinks, there is an issue open
// to reinstate symlink support, until that's resolved
// we'll simply copy over instead of creating symlinks
// .pipe(symlink('user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/', {
// relativeSymlinks: true
// }));
// uncomment above .pipe() and remove the .pipe() below
// when antora#188 is resolved
function titleFrom(file) {
const maybeName = /(?:=|#) (.*)/.exec(file.contents.toString())
if (maybeName == null) {
throw new Error(`${file.path} doesn't contain Asciidoc heading ('= <Title>') or ('# <Title')`);
return maybeName[1];
function insertGeneratedNotice() {
return inject(src('./generated.txt'), {
name: 'generated',
removeTags: true,
transform: (filename, file) => {
return file.contents.toString('utf8');
function insertSourceAttribute() {
return replace(/^= .+/m, function(match) {
return `${match}\n:page-source: ${path.relative('..', this.file.path)}`;
function createUserManualNav() {
return src('user-manual-nav.adoc.template')
.pipe(inject(src('../core/camel-base/src/main/docs/*-language.adoc').pipe(sort()), {
removeTags: true,
name: 'languages',
transform: (filename, file) => {
const filepath = path.basename(filename);
const title = titleFrom(file);
return ` ** xref:${filepath}[${title}]`;
.pipe(inject(src('../core/camel-core-engine/src/main/docs/eips/*.adoc').pipe(sort()), {
removeTags: true,
name: 'eips',
transform: (filename, file) => {
const filepath = path.basename(filename);
const title = titleFrom(file);
return ` ** xref:${filepath}[${title}]`;
const extractExamples = function(file, enc, next) {
const asciidoc = file.contents.toString();
const includes = /(?:include::\{examplesdir\}\/)([^[]+)/g;
let example;
let exampleFiles = new Set()
while (example = includes.exec(asciidoc)) {
let examplePath = path.resolve(path.join('..', example[1]));
exampleFiles.forEach(examplePath => this.push(new File({
base: path.resolve('..'),
path: examplePath,
contents: fs.createReadStream(examplePath)
return next();
function deleteExamples(){
return del(['user-manual/modules/ROOT/examples/', 'components/modules/ROOT/examples/']);
function createUserManualExamples() {
return src('user-manual/modules/ROOT/**/*.adoc')
function createComponentExamples() {
return src('../components/{*,*/*}/src/main/docs/*.adoc')
const symlinks = parallel(
series(deleteComponentSymlinks, createComponentSymlinks),
series(deleteComponentImageSymlinks, createComponentImageSymlinks),
series(deleteUserManualSymlinks, createUserManualSymlinks)
const nav = parallel(createUserManualNav);
const examples = series(deleteExamples, createUserManualExamples, createComponentExamples);
exports.symlinks = symlinks;
exports.nav = nav;
exports.examples = examples;
exports.default = series(symlinks, nav, examples);