Does not support CA, CE and CR Acknowledgements (no plans to implement)

The MLLP Sequence protocol is not implemented (no plans to implement)

The MllpTcpClientConsumer is not implemented yet

The MllpTcpServerProducer is not implemented yet

idleTimeout is not enforced yet - connections can remain open indefinately

maxConnections are not enforced yet - an unlimited number of connections are allowed

Suspending a MLLP Consumer is not yet implemented

JMX Instrumentation is not yet implemented

  • Manually reset connection
  • Suspend a consumer

MLLP Statistics are not yet implemented TCP Server - last message received time - last AA sent time - last AE sent time - last AR sent time - AA, AE & AR counts

  • last message sent time
    • last message sent time
    • last AA received time
    • last AE received time
    • last AR received time
    • AA, AE & AR counts