blob: e04fb200a3f08f3f49a19fb87ba70a33761ffcc9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Yarn plugin to download binary artifact releases from GitHub and make
// them available on the Yarn CLI.
// The plugin implements a Resolver and a Locator that take in dependency
// with reference specification like:
// github-release:org/repo:version/binary
// e.g. in package.json:
// {
// dependencies: {
// 'example-binary': 'github-release:example/binary:1.0/exe'
// }
// }
// With that example the `exe` binary can be invoked via `yarn run exe`
// (or shorter `yarn exe`.
// The plugin does this by creating a faux package containing the wrapper
// JavaScript file and the binary. So the resulting package can be cached
// in Yarn cache.
// There is limited support for template literals, so when needed the
// reference specification can contain an expression within `${...}`.
// For example it is possible to specify this dependency:
// {
// dependencies: {
// 'example-binary': 'github-release:example/binary:1.0/exe-${process.arch}'
// }
// }
// Even though that is possible, it might not be desired in some cases.
// Notably when the expression is platform dependent (such as in the example
// above) the package will be different (e.g. containing binaries for
// different platforms) and the hash of the package will be different from
// the value persisted in Yarn lockfile, and would cause an error.
const YARN_FS_VERSION = '3.0.1';
const reference_pattern = /^github-release:(?<organization>[^\/]+)\/(?<repository>[^:]+)(?::(?<version>[^\/]+))?\/(?<binary>[^:]+)$/g;
const supports = (ref) => {
reference_pattern.lastIndex = 0;
return reference_pattern.test(ref);
const parse = (ref) => {
const reference = new Function(`return \`${ref}\`;`).call();
reference_pattern.lastIndex = 0;
const parts = [...reference.matchAll(reference_pattern)][0];
return {
organization: parts[1],
repository: parts[2],
version: parts[3] || 'latest',
binary: parts[4]
module.exports = {
name: `github-release-binary`,
factory: require => {
const util = require('util');
const { httpUtils, structUtils, LinkType } = require('@yarnpkg/core');
const { ppath, xfs } = require('@yarnpkg/fslib');
const { ZipFS, getLibzipPromise } = require('@yarnpkg/libzip');
class GitHubReleaseFetcher {
supports(locator, opts) {
return supports(locator.reference);
getLocalPath(locator, opts) {
return null;
async fetch(locator, opts) {
const expectedChecksum = opts.checksums.get(locator.locatorHash) || null;
const [packageFs, releaseFs, checksum] = await opts.cache.fetchPackageFromCache(locator, expectedChecksum, {
onHit: () =>,
onMiss: () =>, `${structUtils.prettyLocator(opts.project.configuration, locator)} can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote server`),
loader: () => this.fetchFromNetwork(locator, opts),
skipIntegrityCheck: opts.skipIntegrityCheck,
return {
prefixPath: structUtils.getIdentVendorPath(locator),
async fetchFromNetwork(locator, opts) {
// 1980-01-01, like Fedora
const defaultTime = 315532800;
const parts = parse(locator.reference);
const releaseBuffer = await httpUtils.get(`${parts.organization}/${parts.repository}/releases/download/${parts.version}/${parts.binary}`, {
configuration: opts.project.configuration,
const packageName = ppath.join(locator.scope !== null ? '@' + locator.scope : '',;
const tmpDir = xfs.mktempSync();
const zipFS = new ZipFS(ppath.join(tmpDir, ''), { create: true, libzip: await getLibzipPromise() });
zipFS.writeFileSync('package.json', `{ "name": "${packageName}", "dependencies": { "@yarnpkg/fslib": "${YARN_FS_VERSION}" } }`);
zipFS.utimesSync('package.json', defaultTime, defaultTime);
const dir = ppath.join('node_modules', packageName);
zipFS.mkdirSync(dir, { recursive: true });
const stubFile = ppath.join(dir, 'exec.js');
zipFS.writeFileSync(stubFile, `const { xfs } = require('@yarnpkg/fslib');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const os = require('os');
const { spawn } = require('child_process');
const execute = (path, args) => {
const child = spawn(path, args);
child.on('error', err => { process.stderr.write(err + '\\n'); process.exit(1) } );
child.on('exit', status => process.exit(status));
(async () => {
const tmpDir = fs.mkdtempSync(path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'github-release-binary'));
process.on('exit', () => {
fs.rmdirSync(tmpDir, { recursive: true });
const binary = process.argv[1].replace('exec.js', '${parts.binary}');
const binaryPath = path.join(tmpDir, '${parts.binary}');
await xfs.copyFilePromise(binary, binaryPath);
await xfs.chmodPromise(binaryPath, 0o755);
execute(binaryPath, process.argv.slice(2));
zipFS.chmodSync(stubFile, 0o755);
zipFS.utimesSync(stubFile, defaultTime, defaultTime);
const binaryPath = ppath.join(dir, parts.binary);
zipFS.writeFileSync(binaryPath, releaseBuffer);
zipFS.chmodSync(binaryPath, 0o755);
zipFS.utimesSync(binaryPath, defaultTime, defaultTime);
return zipFS;
class GitHubReleaseResolver {
supportsDescriptor(descriptor, opts) {
return supports(descriptor.range);
supportsLocator(locator, opts) {
return supports(locator.reference);
shouldPersistResolution(locator, opts) {
return true;
bindDescriptor(descriptor, fromLocator, opts) {
return descriptor;
getResolutionDependencies(descriptor, opts) {
return [];
async getCandidates(descriptor, dependencies, opts) {
return [structUtils.convertDescriptorToLocator(descriptor)];
async getSatisfying(descriptor, dependencies, locators, opts) {
return {
async resolve(locator, opts) {
const parts = parse(locator.reference);
const fsLibDep = structUtils.makeDescriptor(structUtils.makeIdent('yarnpkg', 'fslib'), YARN_FS_VERSION)
const dependencies = new Map();
dependencies.set(fsLibDep.identHash, fsLibDep);
return {
version: parts.version,
languageName: opts.project.configuration.get(`defaultLanguageName`),
linkType: LinkType.HARD,
dependencies: opts.project.configuration.normalizeDependencyMap(dependencies),
bin: [
[ parts.binary, 'exec.js' ]
return {
fetchers: [ GitHubReleaseFetcher ],
resolvers: [ GitHubReleaseResolver ],