title: “Camel K 1.5 release” date: 2021-07-13 draft: false authors: [squakez] categories: [“Releases”, “Camel K”] preview: “What's new in Camel K 1.5”

Camel K 1.5 version is public since a few days. We‘re proud to announce this new release containing enhancements and fixes. We’ve worked hard to fix the most important issues discovered with an eye on stabilization and performances. This new release is based on Camel Quarkus 2.0 and Apache Camel 3.11.

Let‘s find out what’s new in Camel K 1.5!

New Camel Quarkus and Quarkus versions

Camel Quarkus runtime has become the building block on which the Integration is materialized. With the new 2.0 version out, there are great improvements which are leveraging the major release of Quarkus 2.0. We're inheriting all the good stuff in performance and components coverage that is introduced lately in this new version.

Tune your logs

As software developers, we are daily watching logs to discover what‘s going on for a piece of software that is failing. Observability and all the activities around that area are needed in order to have a reliable software solution. We know that, and we’ve introduced a new trait that will simplify the work of tuning and integrating the log streams in your logging systems.

You can learn more in a blog dedicated to the topic.

S3 dependencies

S3 protocol is often used as a way to store Maven dependencies. With version 1.5 you will be able to configure your Camel K to retrieve such dependencies.

Configuration refactoring

Prior to this version, we may have found a bit clumsy the work of providing a configuration file to our Integration. As a developer, you will now be able to define in details how and where to load a configuration file, filter a Configmap or a Secret and also distinguish between build-time and runtime properties. An entire blog covering this feature will be soon available, stay tuned!

More Kamelet love

Since their appearence, Kamelets have gained quite a lot of traction. With this new release we've introduced new commands in the kamel CLI to help you discovering and managing them. You will have a new command available kamel kamelet that will help you listing and deleting any Kamelet. Also kamel describe kamelet has been introduced to help you analysing the available Kamelets.

We should also mention that we're having more Kamelets available in the Apache Camel Kamelets Catalog. We are counting 117 different source and sink Kamelets and we are actively adding many more.

Allow configuration via traits annotations

We are aware that the CLI is not the only way to create an Integration. For this reason we've introduced a new way to simplify the setting of a trait directly in the Integration specification. Instead of specifying a trait in the .spec.integration.traits.trait-id.configuration.trait-property you will be now able to do so via .metadata.annotations.

More test coverage

Of course, we haven‘t forgot to include more unit and integration tests to our code base. With this release we’ve introduced new test cases that are giving more confidence to the development lifecycle.

Polish documentation

We are happy to announce a few new improvements in the online documentation. We're dedicating some more time to refresh the documentation that may be missing or that can be incomplete.

Versioned documentation

One little but great improvements we've introduced lately is the versioning of the Camel K documentation website. Just look on the left bottom bar of your browser and you will be able to select either latest or 1.4.x.

Generated API

Another thing that is worth to mention is a first version of our API that is now available through the documentation pages. Have a look at Camel K API resources documentation page in order to understand how to interact directly with them.


Thanks to all contributors who made this possible. We're happy to receive feedback on this version through our mailing list, our official chat or filing an issue on Camel K Github repository.