Support files

This directory contains support files that are used when working on the website. Files here are not published on the website.

Running Apache HTTP

We have configuration in static/.htaccess that occasionally we need to update. Our preview environment is hosted on the build server (Jenkins) and for the local preview Hugo is acting as a web server. So with that there is no way to test changes to static/.htaccess file before it is applied to the production website. For this we have a httpd.conf file here that mimicks the production environment locally. In conjuction with running HTTP server in a Linux container it can be used to test changes to static/.htaccess.

Use like this from the root of the git repository after building the website (yarn build):

$ docker run -it --rm -p 80:80 -p 443:443 \
  -v "$PWD/public":/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/:Z \
  -v "$PWD/support/http":/support:Z \
  httpd:2.4 /bin/bash -c "cp /support/* /usr/local/apache2/conf/ && httpd-foreground"