title: “JBoss Asylum Podcast about Apache Camel 3” date: 2019-12-17 author: Claus Ibsen categories: [“Podcasts”] preview: JBoss Community Asylum Podcast epiosode 47 about Apache Camel 3

JBoss Asylm Podcast episode 47: What do you call an Apache Camel with 3 humps

Claus Ibsen and Luca Burgazzoli sits down with Emanual and Max (hosts) and talks about what is coming in Apache Camel 3 on topics like Camel K and Camel Quarkus. We also cover Camel‘s place in the modern world with cloud native and serverless workloads. And at the end we have some bits about what’s coming next in Camel 3.1.

The podcast is about 80 minutes so embrace yourself with patience.

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