| baseURL = "https://camel.apache.org/" |
| languageCode = "en-us" |
| title = "Apache Camel" |
| relativeURLs = true |
| disablePathToLower = true |
| staticDir = ["static", "documentation"] |
| disableKinds = ["taxonomy"] |
| enableRobotsTXT = true |
| timeout = 300000 |
| |
| [markup] |
| defaultMarkdownHandler = "goldmark" |
| [markup.goldmark] |
| autoHeadingIDType = "blackfriday" |
| [markup.goldmark.renderer] |
| unsafe = true |
| [markup.highlight] |
| noClasses = false |
| |
| [params] |
| socialProfiles = ["https://twitter.com/ApacheCamel"] |
| organizationLogo = "https://camel.apache.org/_/img/logo-d.svg" |
| organizationDescription = "Apache Camel ™ is a versatile open-source integration framework based on known Enterprise Integration Patterns. Camel empowers you to define routing and mediation rules in a variety of domain-specific languages, including a Java-based Fluent API, Spring or Blueprint XML Configuration files, and a Scala DSL." |
| GitHubUsername = "" |
| GitHubToken = "" |
| |
| [security.funcs] |
| getenv = ['^HUGO_','CAMEL_ENV', 'GITHUB_TOKEN'] |
| |
| [caches] |
| |
| [caches.getjson] |
| dir = ":cacheDir/:project" |
| maxAge = "12h" |
| |
| [caches.getcsv] |
| dir = ":cacheDir/:project" |
| maxAge = "12h" |
| |
| [sitemap] |
| filename = "sitemap-website.xml" |
| |
| [[menu.main]] |
| name = "Blog" |
| weight = 2 |
| identifier = "blog" |
| url = "/blog/" |
| pre = "img/blog.svg" |
| |
| [[menu.main]] |
| name = "Documentation" |
| identifier = "docs" |
| weight = 3 |
| url = "/docs/" |
| pre = "img/documentation.svg" |
| |
| [[menu.main]] |
| name = "Community" |
| identifier = "community" |
| weight = 4 |
| url = "/community/" |
| pre = "img/community.svg" |
| |
| [[menu.main]] |
| name = "Download" |
| weight = 5 |
| identifier = "download" |
| url = "/download/" |
| pre = "img/download.svg" |
| |
| [[menu.main]] |
| name = "Security" |
| weight = 6 |
| identifier = "security" |
| url = "/security/" |
| pre = "img/security.svg" |
| |
| [module] |
| |
| [[module.mounts]] |
| source = "documentation/_/data" |
| target = "data" |
| |
| [[module.mounts]] |
| source = "data" |
| target = "data" |
| |
| [related] |
| includeNewer = false |
| threshold = 80 |
| toLower = false |
| |
| [[related.indices]] |
| name = "categories" |
| weight = 50 |
| |
| [[related.indices]] |
| name = "keywords" |
| weight = 100 |
| |
| [[related.indices]] |
| name = "authors" |
| weight = 50 |
| |
| [[related.indices]] |
| name = "date" |
| weight = 10 |
| |
| [permalinks] |
| blog = "blog/:year/:month/:filename/" |
| |
| [privacy] |
| |
| [privacy.youtube] |
| privacyEnhanced = true |
| |
| [mediaTypes."text/plain"] |
| suffixes = ["txt"] |
| [outputFormats.TXT] |
| mediaType = "text/plain" |
| isPlainText = true |