title: “ApacheCon Asia and @Home schedules” date: 2021-06-15 authors: [“zregvart”] categories: [“Events”, “Apache”] preview: “The schedules for ApacheCon Asia and ApacheCon @Home have been published. Register now to attend!”

As we announced earlier this year, we have not one but two Apache conferences featuring Apache Camel on the Integration track.

ApacheCon Asia is from August 6 - 8, 2021 and has two days of Camel and software integration sessions held in Asia-Pacific timezone. And ApacheCon @Home from September 21 - 23, 2021 also features two days of Camel and software integration sessions with sessions held in Europe-Americas timezone.

The schedules for the Integration track at ApacheCon Asia, and ApacheCon @Home have been published, and are packed with interesting technology talks and use case presentations.

This is also a great time to register to attend ApacheCon Asia or ApacheCon @Home.

Both conferences are free to attend and online/virtual, so come and celebrate with the Apache Camel and the wider Apache Software Foundation community.