blob: f9b987a96b46854c95fdf9d39c6a2680c6a8351f [file] [log] [blame]
'use strict'
const connect = require('gulp-connect')
const os = require('os')
const ANY_HOST = ''
const URL_RX = /(https?):\/\/(?:[^/: ]+)(:\d+)?/
module.exports = (root, opts = {}, watch = undefined) => (done) => {
connect.server({ ...opts, middleware: === ANY_HOST ? decorateLog : undefined, root }, function () {
this.server.on('close', done)
if (watch) watch()
function decorateLog (_, app) {
const _log = app.log
app.log = (msg) => {
if (msg.startsWith('Server started ')) {
const localIp = getLocalIp()
const replacement = '$1://localhost$2' + (localIp ? ` and $1://${localIp}$2` : '')
msg = msg.replace(URL_RX, replacement)
return []
function getLocalIp () {
for (let records of Object.values(os.networkInterfaces())) {
for (let record of records) {
if (!record.internal && === 'IPv4') return record.address
return 'localhost'