[maven-release-plugin]  copy for tag camel-spring-boot-3.7.2
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release camel-spring-boot-3.7.2
368 files changed
tree: f56bd8a4edcd5e8a7c6d304280c66f40253e0716
  1. .github/
  2. .mvn/
  3. archetypes/
  4. catalog/
  5. components-starter/
  6. core/
  7. docs/
  8. tests/
  9. tooling/
  10. .asf.yaml
  11. .gitattributes
  12. .gitignore
  13. Jenkinsfile.sb
  14. Jenkinsfile.sb.deploy
  15. Jenkinsfile.sb.jdk11
  16. Jenkinsfile.sb.jdk14
  17. Jenkinsfile.sb.jdk16
  18. KEYS
  19. LICENSE.txt
  20. mvnw
  21. mvnw.cmd
  22. NOTICE.txt
  23. pom.xml
  24. README.md
  25. starter-create
  26. starter-create.cmd
  27. starter-delete
  28. starter-delete.cmd

Apache Camel Spring Boot Support

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Apache Camel is a powerful open source integration framework based on known Enterprise Integration Patterns with powerful bean integration.


This project provides Spring Boot support for Apache Camel.

Creating / deleting starters

To create a starter for the zoot component, run the following command:

./starter-create zoot

Similarly, to delete the starter for the zoot component, run the following command:

./starter-delete zoot