In the file, set correctly the Azure credentials for storage blob.
Also you'll need to run a Kafka cluster to point to. In this case you could use an ansible role like
And set up a file deploy.yaml with the following content:
- name: role kafka hosts: localhost remote_user: user roles: - role: kafka-ansible-role kafka_version: 2.8.0 path_dir: /home/user/ unarchive_dest_dir: /home/user/kafka/demo/ start_kafka: true
and then run
ansible-playbook -v deploy.yaml
This should start a Kafka instance for you, on your local machine.
./mvnw package
docker run --rm -ti \ -v $PWD/data:/etc/camel:Z \ -e CAMEL_K_CONF=/etc/camel/ \ --network="host" \
You'll need a running Kafka broker locally on your host.
docker run --rm -ti \ -v $PWD/data:/etc/camel:Z \ -v $PWD/jfr:/work/jfr:Z \ -e CAMEL_K_CONF=/etc/camel/ \ --network="host" \
You'll need a running Kafka broker locally on your host.
Now you can start JFR with the following command
docker exec -it <container_id> jcmd 1 JFR.start name=Test settings=jfr/settings_for_heap.jfc duration=5m filename=jfr/output.jfr
and check the status
docker exec -it <container_id> jcmd 1 JFR.check
docker run --rm -ti \ -v $PWD/data:/etc/camel:Z \ -v async_profiler_path:/work/async-profiler:Z \ -e CAMEL_K_CONF=/etc/camel/ \ --network="host" \
Where async profiler path is the path of your async profiler on your host machine.
Now you can start Async Profiler with the following command
docker exec -it <container_id> /work/async-profiler/ -e alloc -d 30 -f /work/async-profiler/alloc_profile.html 1
This command while create an allocation flamegraph for the duration of 30 second of the running application.
The privileged option for running the docker container is the fastest way to have perf events syscall enabled.
If you don't want to use privileged approach, you can have a look at the basic configuration of async profiler (
You could also modify the resources of your container with memory and cpu defined while running it
docker run --rm -ti \ -v $PWD/data:/etc/camel:Z \ -v $PWD/jfr:/work/jfr:Z \ -e CAMEL_K_CONF=/etc/camel/ \ --network="host" \ -m 128m \ --cpu-quota="25000" \
In this case we are allocating 128 Mb Memory to the container and 0.25% cpus.
You'll need also kafkacat to be able to inject the filename header and use the burst script
export KAFKACAT_PATH=<path_to_your_kafkacat>
And now run the burst script.
This command for example will send 1000 messages with payload “payload” to the topic “testtopic”
cd script/ > ./ -b localhost:9092 -n 1000 -t testtopic -p "payload"
You could also tests this approach with multiple producers, through the multiburst script
cd script/ > ./ -s 5 -b localhost:9092 -n 1000 -t testtopic -p "payload"
This command will run 5 burst script with 1000 messages each one with payload “payload” to the Kafka instance running on localhost:9092 and the topic “testtopic”