Kafka Azure Storage Profiling Example with Exchange Pooling: Updated README
diff --git a/profiling/kafka-azure-storage-blob-exchange-pooling/README.md b/profiling/kafka-azure-storage-blob-exchange-pooling/README.md
index 1c6629a..9c06b2f 100644
--- a/profiling/kafka-azure-storage-blob-exchange-pooling/README.md
+++ b/profiling/kafka-azure-storage-blob-exchange-pooling/README.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # Kafka to Azure Storage Blob with Exchange Pooling
-In the routes.yaml file, set correctly the Azure credentials for storage blob.
+In the application.properties file, set correctly the Azure credentials for storage blob.
 Also you'll need to run a Kafka cluster to point to. In this case you could use an ansible role like https://github.com/oscerd/kafka-ansible-role