tree: 8b130545ba0b9b5770a664fe6e45c31c0bc6e811 [path history] [tgz]
  1. operators.png
  2. parcels.png

Demo: Parcels Delivery Service




  1. VSCode installed
  2. Apache Camel Karavan extension installed
  3. Jbang installed
  4. Docker and Docker compose installed
  5. Build Apache Artemis Docker Image
cd ../artemis
./ --from-release --artemis-version 2.22.0
cd _TMP_/artemis/2.22.0
docker build -f ./docker/Dockerfile-adoptopenjdk-11 -t artemis-adoptopenjdk-11 .

For MacOS users, in case of tree command not found error, install tree brew install tree

Start environment

cd docker-compose
docker-compose up

Start integration

jbang -Dcamel.jbang.version=3.18.0 camel@apache/camel run *

Publish parcel

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"id":"1","address":"666 Sin Street, Holy City"}'

Publish payment

Open AMQ7 Broker Management Console

Send message to payments queue

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>



  1. VSCode installed
  2. Apache Camel Karavan extension installed
  3. Jbang installed
  4. OpenShift 4.9+ cluster up and running
  5. OpenShift 4.9+ CLI installed
  6. Apache Camel Karavan installed in OpenShift

Install AMQ and AMQ Streams Operators

Also creates karavan namespace required for the demo

cd ../openshift-manifests
oc login --token=... --server=...
oc apply -k operators

Check that operators are succesfully installed operators

Create AMQ, Kafka and Postgres demo instances

oc apply -k instances -n karavan

Package, build and deploy project

  1. Open Karavan Application
  2. Create project Postman
  3. Create integration postman
  4. Replace integration code with postman.yaml
  5. Set Kamelets configuration according their services in Openshift
  6. Click Run button

Publish parcel

appsurl=$(oc get cluster  -o template --template '{{.spec.domain}}')

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"id":"1","address":"666 Sin Street, Holy City"}' http://postman-karavan.$appsurl/parcels

Publish payment

Open AMQ7 Broker Management

open http://console-postman.$appsurl

Send message to payments queue

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

Check postman logs and Database