blob: 60ca9bb5685b6542da000ea115884a6a2a7ddeb1 [file] [log] [blame]
= Camel OSGi Integration Tests
== Overview
This module is where you should add cross component tests running on Karaf container.
All tests are disabled by default to not run in the main CI job. Instead there is a separate CI job that only run the tests for each commit. The results are available here:
== How to run the tests
Do not use `mvn test`. Run the following script instead.
$ ./
The reason for not using `mvn test` is that each test starts up a Karaf instance using Pax Exam, but sometimes the instance doesn't shut down well after the test and the phantom instance causes silent failures of the successive tests. The `` script makes sure to kill the Karaf instance after each test finished.
You can also pass in the test name to start testing from the test and onwards, e.g.:
$ ./ CamelHystrixTest