Fix dependency issues in the feature camel-jsonata (#218)

## Motivation

The build is failing due to dependency issues in the feature `camel-jsonata` that need to be addressed.

## Modifications:

* Add the new required dependency `jackson-dataformat-xml`
* Upgrade `antlr4-runtime` and `gson` to the versions expected by the new version of `JSONata4Java`
1 file changed
tree: d0bcd0990f2614c4de928e3ebb858e333ec5275d
  1. .github/
  2. .mvn/
  3. archetypes/
  4. bom/
  5. catalog/
  6. components/
  7. core/
  8. docs/
  9. platforms/
  10. tests/
  11. tooling/
  12. .asf.yaml
  13. .gitattributes
  14. .gitignore
  15. Jenkinsfile.karaf
  16. Jenkinsfile.karaf.jdk17
  17. KEYS
  18. LICENSE.txt
  19. mvnw
  20. mvnw.cmd
  21. NOTICE.txt
  22. pom.xml

Apache Camel Karaf Support

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Apache Camel is a powerful open source integration framework based on known Enterprise Integration Patterns with powerful bean integration.


This project provides Karaf support for Apache Camel.