Apache Camel Karaf support

Clone this repo:
  1. 9fd0da4 Ref #590 Add Bundle-Name and Bundle-SymbolicName to wrapped bundles (#592) by François de Parscau · 4 weeks ago main
  2. 051d8bd Upgrade to Camel 4.10.0-SNAPSHOT by JB Onofré · 5 weeks ago
  3. 094cad3 Set version to 4.10.0-SNAPSHOT by JB Onofré · 5 weeks ago
  4. 72c4af8 Add LICENSE and NOTICE in all distributed artifacts (#585) by JB Onofré · 5 weeks ago
  5. cd91c3f Add Nicolas Filotto's public key by Nicolas Filotto · 5 weeks ago

Apache Camel Karaf

Maven Central

Apache Camel is a powerful open source integration framework based on known Enterprise Integration Patterns with powerful bean integration.

This project provides Apache Karaf support for Apache Camel.


To build camel-karaf, simple do:

mvn clean install

If you want to skip the tests, you can do:

mvn clean install -DskipTests


If you want to upgrade camel-karaf to a new camel version, here's the process:

  1. camel repository has to be cloned in the same folder as camel-karaf repository:
git clone https://github.com/apache/camel
  1. in the camel repository, you have to checkout on the target version tag:
cd camel
git checkout camel-x.y.z
  1. once you have built camel-karaf, you can find the update tool in tooling/camel-upgrade folder. Go in this folder:
cd tooling/camel-upgrade
  1. you can now run the upgrade tool:
java -jar target/camel-upgrade-*.jar
  1. When done, you can review the changes (with git diff for instance) and create a Pull Request.


Here's the process to do a camel-karaf release:

  1. Create the release tag:
mvn release:prepare
  1. Push the release:
mvn release:perform
  1. Close the Maven staging repository on repository.apache.org

  2. The source distribution is available the target folder: camel-karaf-x.y.z-source.release.zip.*. You have to stage the source distribution files to svn://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/camel.

  3. When both Maven Staging Repository (closed) and dist.apache.org are up to date with the release files, you can start the release vote.