Apache Camel K is a lightweight integration platform, born on Kubernetes, with serverless superpowers: the easiest way to build and manage your Camel applications on Kubernetes. This chart deploys the Camel K operator and all resources needed to natively run Apache Camel Integrations on any Kubernetes cluster.
To install the chart, first add the Camel K repository:
$ helm repo add camel-k https://apache.github.io/camel-k/charts
$ helm install camel-k camel-k/camel-k
A regular installation requires you to provide a registry used by Camel K to build application containers. See official Camel K registry documentation or move to next section to run on a local Minikube cluster.
Create an itp.yaml
file like:
apiVersion: camel.apache.org/v1 kind: IntegrationPlatform metadata: labels: app: camel-k name: camel-k spec: build: registry: address: <my-registry-address> organization: <my-organization> secret: <my-secret-credentials>
and save the resource to the cluster with kubectl apply -f itp.yaml
Minikube offers a container registry addon, which it makes very well suited for local Camel K development and testing purposes. You can see the cluster IP registry addon using the following script:
$ minikube addons enable registry $ kubectl -n kube-system get service registry -o jsonpath='{.spec.clusterIP}'
Then you can provide the IntegrationPlatform as itp.yaml
apiVersion: camel.apache.org/v1 kind: IntegrationPlatform metadata: labels: app: camel-k name: camel-k spec: build: registry: address: <REGISTRY_ADDRESS> insecure: true
and save the resource to the cluster with kubectl apply -f itp.yaml
Verify the IntegrationPlatform is in Ready status:
Create a simple testing “Hello World” Integration as test.yaml
apiVersion: camel.apache.org/v1 kind: Integration metadata: name: test spec: flows: - from: parameters: period: "1000" steps: - setBody: simple: Hello Camel from ${routeId} - log: ${body} uri: timer:yaml
Run it on cloud:
kubectl apply -f test.yaml
Monitor how it is running:
$ kubectl get it -w NAME PHASE READY RUNTIME PROVIDER RUNTIME VERSION CATALOG VERSION KIT REPLICAS test Building Kit quarkus 3.8.1 3.8.1 kit-crc382j18sec73deq24g test Deploying quarkus 3.8.1 3.8.1 kit-crc382j18sec73deq24g test Running False quarkus 3.8.1 3.8.1 kit-crc382j18sec73deq24g 0 test Running False quarkus 3.8.1 3.8.1 kit-crc382j18sec73deq24g 1 test Running True quarkus 3.8.1 3.8.1 kit-crc382j18sec73deq24g 1
For any problem, check it out the official troubleshooting guide or the documentation.
Camel K offers the possibility to run serverless Integrations in conjunction with Knative operator. Once Knative and Camel K are installed on the same platform, you can configure Knative resources to be played by Camel K.
See instructions how to enable Knative on Camel K.
The configuration section lists additional parameters that can be set during installation.
Tip: List all releases using
helm list
If you are upgrading the camel-k
Deployment, you should always use a specific version of the chart and pre-install the CRDS:
# Upgrade the CRDs $ curl -LO "https://github.com/apache/camel-k/raw/main/docs/charts/camel-k-x.y.z.tgz" $ tar xvzf camel-k-x.y.z.tgz $ kubectl replace -f camel-k/crds # Upgrade the `camel-k` Deployment $ helm upgrade camel-k/camel-k --version x.y.z
Note: If you are using a custom ClusterRole instead of the default one
you should handle it appropriately.
To uninstall/delete the camel-k
$ helm uninstall camel-k
The command removes all of the Kubernetes resources installed, except the CRDs.
To remove them:
$ curl -LO "https://github.com/apache/camel-k/raw/main/docs/charts/camel-k-x.y.z.tgz" $ tar xvzf camel-k-x.y.z.tgz $ kubectl delete -f camel-k/crds
The following table lists the most commonly configured parameters of the Camel K chart and their default values.
Parameter | Description | Default |
operator.global | Indicates if the operator should watch all namespaces | false |
operator.nodeSelector | The nodeSelector to use for the operator | |
operator.resources | The resource requests and limits to use for the operator | |
operator.securityContext | The (container-related) securityContext to use for the operator | |
operator.tolerations | The list of tolerations to use for the operator |
We'd like to hear your feedback and we love any kind of contribution!
The main contact points for the Camel K project are the GitHub repository and the Camel K chat room.