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= :camel: + :cloud: = Apache Camel K
image:["Licensed under Apache License version 2.0", link=""]
image:["Go Report Card", link=""]
image:["GoDoc", link=""]
image:["Build", link=""]
image:["Kubernetes", link=""]
image:["Knative", link=""]
image:["Nightly releases", link=""]
image:["Quarkus native", link=""]
image:["Go coverage", link=""]
image:["Chat on Zulip", link=""]
Apache Camel K is a lightweight integration framework built from **Apache Camel** that runs natively on Kubernetes and is specifically designed for serverless and microservice architectures. Users of `Camel K` can instantly run integration code written in Camel DSL on their preferred **Cloud** provider.[How does it work?]
== :gear: Installation
Camel K allows you to run integrations directly on a `Kubernetes` or `OpenShift` cluster. To use it, you need to be connected to a cloud environment or to a local cluster created for development purposes.[Installation procedure.]
== :arrow_forward: Running an Integration
You can use Camel DSL to define your `Integration`. Just save it in a file and use `kamel` command line interface ([download latest release]) to run it. As an example, just try running:
- from:
uri: "timer:tick?period=3000"
- setBody:
constant: "Hello world from Camel K"
- to: "log:info"
kamel run hello.yaml
You can even run your integrations in a `dev` mode. Change the code and see the **changes automatically applied (instantly)** to the remote integration pod! We have provided link:/examples[more examples] that you can use to inspire your next `Integration` development.[See more details.]
== :camel: All the power from Apache Camel components
You can use any of the Apache Camel components available. The related dependencies will be resolved automatically.
Discover more about[dependencies and components].
== :coffee: Not Just Java
Camel K supports multiple languages for writing integrations.
See all the[languages available].
== :checkered_flag: Traits
The details of how the integration is mapped into Kubernetes resources can be *customized using traits*.
More information is provided in the official documentation[traits section].
== :cloud: Engineered thinking on Cloud Native
Since the inception of the project, our goal was to bring `Apache Camel` to the cloud.
See the[software architecture details].
== :heart: Contributing
We love contributions and we want to make Camel K great!
Contributing is easy, just take a look at our[developer's guide].
== :tickets: Licensing
This software is licensed under the terms you may find in the file named link:LICENSE[LICENSE] in this directory.