| # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more |
| # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with |
| # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. |
| # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 |
| # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with |
| # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| |
| VERSIONFILE := pkg/util/defaults/defaults.go |
| VERSION ?= 1.10.5-SNAPSHOT |
| LAST_RELEASED_IMAGE_NAME := camel-k-operator |
| BUILDAH_VERSION := 1.23.3 |
| KANIKO_VERSION := 0.17.1 |
| CODEGEN_VERSION := v0.23.5 |
| OPM_VERSION := v1.21.0 |
| BASE_IMAGE := docker.io/eclipse-temurin:11 |
| LOCAL_REPOSITORY := /tmp/artifacts/m2 |
| IMAGE_NAME ?= docker.io/apache/camel-k |
| |
| # |
| # Situations when user wants to override |
| # the image name and version |
| # - used in kustomize install |
| # - used in making bundle |
| # - need to preserve original image and version as used in other files |
| # |
| |
| RELEASE_GIT_REMOTE := origin |
| GIT_COMMIT := $(shell if [ -d .git ]; then git rev-list -1 HEAD; else echo "$(CUSTOM_VERSION)"; fi) |
| LINT_GOGC := 10 |
| LINT_DEADLINE := 10m |
| |
| |
| # olm bundle vars |
| MANAGER := config/manager |
| MANIFESTS := config/manifests |
| CHANNELS ?= $(shell v=$(OPERATOR_VERSION) && echo "stable-$${v%\.[0-9]}"),candidate,latest |
| DEFAULT_CHANNEL ?= $(shell v=$(OPERATOR_VERSION) && echo "stable-$${v%\.[0-9]}") |
| PACKAGE := camel-k |
| # Final CSV name that replaces the name required by the operator-sdk |
| # Has to be replaced after the bundle has been generated |
| CSV_DISPLAY_NAME := Camel K Operator |
| CSV_SUPPORT := Camel |
| CSV_FILENAME := $(PACKAGE).clusterserviceversion.yaml |
| CSV_PRODUCTION_PATH := bundle/manifests/$(CSV_FILENAME) |
| |
| # Test Bundle Index |
| BUNDLE_INDEX := quay.io/operatorhubio/catalog:latest |
| INDEX_DIR := index |
| OPM := opm |
| |
| # Used to push pre-release artifacts |
| STAGING_IMAGE_NAME := docker.io/camelk/camel-k |
| |
| |
| # Kamelets options |
| KAMELET_CATALOG_REPO := https://github.com/apache/camel-kamelets.git |
| # Optional tag for the default Kamelet catalog (change this to a tag before release) |
| |
| # When performing integration tests, it is not necessary to always execute build, especially |
| # in e2e tests when lots of tests are being executed sequentially & the build has already taken place. |
| # In this case, if DO_TEST_PREBUILD is set to false then TEST_PREBUILD will be set to blank |
| # and those rules with a dependency on the build rule will no longer call it (see do-build) |
| DO_TEST_PREBUILD ?= true |
| TEST_PREBUILD = build |
| |
| # OLM (Operator Lifecycle Manager and Operator Hub): uncomment to override operator settings at build time |
| #GOLDFLAGS += -X github.com/apache/camel-k/pkg/util/olm.DefaultOperatorName=camel-k-operator |
| #GOLDFLAGS += -X github.com/apache/camel-k/pkg/util/olm.DefaultPackage=camel-k |
| #GOLDFLAGS += -X github.com/apache/camel-k/pkg/util/olm.DefaultChannel=alpha |
| #GOLDFLAGS += -X github.com/apache/camel-k/pkg/util/olm.DefaultSource=community-operators |
| #GOLDFLAGS += -X github.com/apache/camel-k/pkg/util/olm.DefaultSourceNamespace=openshift-marketplace |
| #GOLDFLAGS += -X github.com/apache/camel-k/pkg/util/olm.DefaultStartingCSV= |
| #GOLDFLAGS += -X github.com/apache/camel-k/pkg/util/olm.DefaultGlobalNamespace=openshift-operators |
| |
| # Get the currently used golang install path (in GOPATH/bin, unless GOBIN is set) |
| ifeq (,$(shell go env GOBIN)) |
| GOBIN=$(shell go env GOPATH)/bin |
| else |
| GOBIN=$(shell go env GOBIN) |
| endif |
| |
| # Build |
| ifdef GIT_COMMIT |
| GOLDFLAGS += -X github.com/apache/camel-k/pkg/util/defaults.GitCommit=$(GIT_COMMIT) |
| else |
| $(warning Could not retrieve a valid Git Commit) |
| endif |
| |
| GOFLAGS = -ldflags "$(GOLDFLAGS)" -trimpath |
| |
| Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more |
| contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with |
| this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. |
| The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 |
| (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with |
| the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| |
| http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| |
| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| limitations under the License. |
| endef |
| |
| default: build |
| |
| update-docs: build-resources |
| ./script/update_docs.sh |
| |
| bump-replace: |
| @# Bump version and replace with the variables provided by the user |
| @sed -i 's/^VERSION ?= .*$//VERSION ?= $(VERSION)/' ./script/Makefile |
| @sed -i 's/^STAGING_RUNTIME_REPO :=.*$//STAGING_RUNTIME_REPO :=/' ./script/Makefile |
| @sed -i 's/^KAMELET_CATALOG_REPO_TAG :=.*$//KAMELET_CATALOG_REPO_TAG := main/' ./script/Makefile |
| |
| bump: bump-replace codegen bundle |
| |
| # Generates the version file |
| codegen: |
| $(info Regenerating $(VERSIONFILE)) |
| @echo "/*" > $(VERSIONFILE) |
| @echo "*/" >> $(VERSIONFILE) |
| @echo "" >> $(VERSIONFILE) |
| @echo "package defaults" >> $(VERSIONFILE) |
| @echo "" >> $(VERSIONFILE) |
| @echo "// ***********************" >> $(VERSIONFILE) |
| @echo "// ***********************" >> $(VERSIONFILE) |
| @echo "" >> $(VERSIONFILE) |
| @echo "const (" >> $(VERSIONFILE) |
| @echo " // Version -- " >> $(VERSIONFILE) |
| @echo " Version = \"$(CUSTOM_VERSION)\"" >> $(VERSIONFILE) |
| @echo "" >> $(VERSIONFILE) |
| @echo " // DefaultRuntimeVersion -- " >> $(VERSIONFILE) |
| @echo " DefaultRuntimeVersion = \"$(RUNTIME_VERSION)\"" >> $(VERSIONFILE) |
| @echo "" >> $(VERSIONFILE) |
| @echo " // BuildahVersion -- " >> $(VERSIONFILE) |
| @echo " BuildahVersion = \"$(BUILDAH_VERSION)\"" >> $(VERSIONFILE) |
| @echo "" >> $(VERSIONFILE) |
| @echo " // KanikoVersion -- " >> $(VERSIONFILE) |
| @echo " KanikoVersion = \"$(KANIKO_VERSION)\"" >> $(VERSIONFILE) |
| @echo "" >> $(VERSIONFILE) |
| @echo " // baseImage -- " >> $(VERSIONFILE) |
| @echo " baseImage = \"$(BASE_IMAGE)\"" >> $(VERSIONFILE) |
| @echo "" >> $(VERSIONFILE) |
| @echo " // LocalRepository -- " >> $(VERSIONFILE) |
| @echo " LocalRepository = \"$(LOCAL_REPOSITORY)\"" >> $(VERSIONFILE) |
| @echo "" >> $(VERSIONFILE) |
| @echo " // ImageName -- " >> $(VERSIONFILE) |
| @echo " ImageName = \"$(CUSTOM_IMAGE)\"" >> $(VERSIONFILE) |
| @echo "" >> $(VERSIONFILE) |
| @echo " // installDefaultKamelets -- " >> $(VERSIONFILE) |
| @echo " installDefaultKamelets = $(INSTALL_DEFAULT_KAMELETS)" >> $(VERSIONFILE) |
| @echo ")" >> $(VERSIONFILE) |
| @echo "" >> $(VERSIONFILE) |
| @echo "//GitCommit must be provided during application build" >> $(VERSIONFILE) |
| @echo "var GitCommit string" >> $(VERSIONFILE) |
| @echo "" >> $(VERSIONFILE) |
| |
| gofmt -w pkg/util/defaults/defaults.go |
| |
| generate: codegen-tools-install |
| @# We better force the developer to generate all the resources everytime as |
| @# it happens we tend to forget some code generation in the past |
| ./script/gen_client.sh |
| ./script/gen_crd.sh |
| ./script/gen_doc.sh |
| cd pkg/apis/camel && $(shell go env GOPATH)/bin/controller-gen paths="./..." object |
| cd addons/keda/duck && $(shell go env GOPATH)/bin/controller-gen paths="./..." object |
| cd addons/strimzi/duck && $(shell go env GOPATH)/bin/controller-gen paths="./..." object |
| ./script/gen_client_strimzi.sh |
| |
| codegen-tools-install: |
| @# We must force the installation to make sure we are using the correct version |
| @# Note: as there is no --version in the tools, we cannot rely on cached local versions |
| @echo "Installing k8s.io/code-generator tools with version $(CODEGEN_VERSION)" |
| go install k8s.io/code-generator/cmd/client-gen@$(CODEGEN_VERSION) |
| go install k8s.io/code-generator/cmd/lister-gen@$(CODEGEN_VERSION) |
| go install k8s.io/code-generator/cmd/informer-gen@$(CODEGEN_VERSION) |
| @echo "sigs.k8s.io/controller-tools/cmd/controller-gen with version $(CONTROLLER_GEN_VERSION)" |
| go install sigs.k8s.io/controller-tools/cmd/controller-gen@$(CONTROLLER_GEN_VERSION) |
| |
| build: build-resources test build-kamel build-compile-integration-tests build-submodules |
| |
| ci-build: clean codegen set-module-version set-version check-licenses dir-licenses build-kamel cross-compile |
| |
| do-build: gotestfmt-install |
| ifeq ($(DO_TEST_PREBUILD),true) |
| TEST_PREBUILD = build |
| else |
| endif |
| |
| gotestfmt-install: |
| ifeq (, $(shell command -v gotestfmt 2> /dev/null)) |
| go install github.com/gotesttools/gotestfmt/v2/cmd/gotestfmt@latest |
| endif |
| |
| test: do-build |
| @echo "####### Running unit test..." |
| go test ./... |
| cd pkg/apis/camel && go test ./... |
| cd pkg/client/camel && go test ./... |
| cd pkg/kamelet/repository && go test ./... |
| |
| # |
| # Integration tests are located either as global or namespace |
| # global: tests can be executed using a pre-installed global operator |
| # with only the platform installed is a namespace |
| # |
| # namespace: tests must be executed using a namespace installed operator |
| # usually due to the test requiring specific parameters on the |
| # operator configuration |
| # |
| |
| |
| ############################### |
| # |
| # |
| ############################### |
| |
| # |
| # Note |
| # This should execute all tests and not exit if one of the suites fail |
| # |
| test-integration: do-build |
| go test -timeout 60m -v ./e2e/global/common -tags=integration $(TEST_INTEGRATION_COMMON_RUN) -json 2>&1 | gotestfmt || FAILED=1; \ |
| go test -timeout 60m -v ./e2e/global/common/build -tags=integration $(TEST_INTEGRATION_COMMON_BUILD_RUN) -json 2>&1 | gotestfmt || FAILED=1; \ |
| go test -timeout 60m -v ./e2e/global/common/config -tags=integration $(TEST_INTEGRATION_COMMON_CONFIG_RUN) -json 2>&1 | gotestfmt || FAILED=1; \ |
| go test -timeout 60m -v ./e2e/global/common/languages -tags=integration $(TEST_INTEGRATION_COMMON_LANG_RUN) -json 2>&1 | gotestfmt || FAILED=1; \ |
| go test -timeout 60m -v ./e2e/global/common/traits -tags=integration $(TEST_INTEGRATION_COMMON_TRAITS_RUN) -json 2>&1 | gotestfmt || FAILED=1; \ |
| exit $${FAILED} |
| |
| test-knative: do-build |
| go test -timeout 60m -v ./e2e/global/knative -tags=integration $(TEST_KNATIVE_RUN) -json 2>&1 | gotestfmt |
| |
| test-builder: do-build |
| go test -timeout 60m -v ./e2e/global/builder -tags=integration $(TEST_BUILDER_RUN) -json 2>&1 | gotestfmt |
| |
| test-service-binding: do-build |
| go test -timeout 60m -v ./e2e/global/service-binding -tags=integration $(TEST_SERVICE_RUN) -json 2>&1 | gotestfmt |
| |
| test-local: do-build |
| go test -timeout 30m -v ./e2e/local -tags=integration $(TEST_LOCAL_RUN) -json 2>&1 | gotestfmt |
| |
| test-registry-maven-wagon: do-build |
| go test -timeout 60m -v ./e2e/global/registry -tags=integration $(TEST_REGISTRY_MAVEN_WAGON_RUN) -json 2>&1 | gotestfmt |
| |
| ############################### |
| # |
| # |
| ############################### |
| |
| test-install: do-build |
| go test -timeout 60m -v ./e2e/namespace/install/ -tags=integration $(TEST_INSTALL_RUN) -json 2>&1 | gotestfmt || FAILED=1; \ |
| go test -timeout 60m -v ./e2e/namespace/install/cli -tags=integration $(TEST_INSTALL_CLI_RUN) -json 2>&1 | gotestfmt || FAILED=1; \ |
| go test -timeout 60m -v ./e2e/namespace/install/kustomize -tags=integration $(TEST_INSTALL_KUSTOMIZE_RUN) -json 2>&1 | gotestfmt || FAILED=1; \ |
| exit $${FAILED} |
| |
| test-quarkus-native: do-build |
| go test -timeout 130m -v ./e2e/namespace/native -tags=integration $(TEST_QUARKUS_RUN) -json 2>&1 | gotestfmt |
| |
| test-upgrade: do-build |
| go test -timeout 60m -v ./e2e/namespace/upgrade -tags=integration $(TEST_UPGRADE_RUN) -json 2>&1 | gotestfmt |
| |
| build-kamel: |
| @echo "####### Building kamel CLI..." |
| @# Ensure the binary is statically linked when building on Linux due to ABI changes in newer glibc 2.32, otherwise |
| @# it would not run on older versions. See https://github.com/apache/camel-k/pull/2141#issuecomment-800990117 |
| ifeq ($(shell uname -s 2>/dev/null || echo Unknown),Linux) |
| CGO_ENABLED=0 go build $(GOFLAGS) -o kamel ./cmd/kamel/*.go |
| else |
| go build $(GOFLAGS) -o kamel ./cmd/kamel/*.go |
| endif |
| |
| build-resources: |
| ./script/get_catalog.sh $(RUNTIME_VERSION) $(STAGING_RUNTIME_REPO) |
| go generate ./pkg/... |
| |
| bundle-kamelets: |
| @echo "Preparing Kamelets bundle resource..." |
| ifneq (,$(findstring release,$(MAKECMDGOALS))) |
| ifneq (,$(findstring $(KAMELET_CATALOG_REPO_TAG), main)) |
| @echo "You cannot set KAMELET_CATALOG_REPO_TAG=$(KAMELET_CATALOG_REPO_TAG) when doing a release" |
| @exit 1 |
| endif |
| endif |
| ./script/bundle_kamelets.sh $(KAMELET_CATALOG_REPO) $(KAMELET_CATALOG_REPO_TAG) |
| |
| build-submodules: |
| ./script/build_submodules.sh |
| |
| build-compile-integration-tests: |
| go test -run nope -tags="integration" ./e2e/global/... > /dev/null |
| go test -run nope -tags="integration" ./e2e/local/... > /dev/null |
| go test -run nope -tags="integration" ./e2e/namespace/... > /dev/null |
| |
| clean: |
| # disable gomodules when executing go clean: |
| # |
| # https://github.com/golang/go/issues/31002 |
| # |
| GO111MODULE=off go clean |
| rm -f camel-k |
| rm -f kamel |
| rm -f *.test |
| rm -rf build/_maven_output |
| rm -rf build/_maven_overlay |
| rm -rf build/_output |
| rm -rf camel-k-client-*.tar.gz |
| rm -rf camel-k-examples-*.tar.gz |
| rm -rf bundle |
| rm -rf $(INDEX_DIR) $(INDEX_DIR).Dockerfile |
| |
| dep: |
| @echo "Cleaning dependencies..." |
| go mod tidy |
| cd pkg/apis/camel && go mod tidy |
| cd pkg/client/camel && go mod tidy |
| cd pkg/kamelet/repository && go mod tidy |
| |
| detect-os: |
| ifeq '$(findstring ;,$(PATH))' ';' |
| OS := Windows |
| OS_LOWER := windows |
| else |
| OS := $(shell echo $$(uname 2>/dev/null) || echo Unknown) |
| OS := $(patsubst CYGWIN%,Cygwin,$(OS)) |
| OS := $(patsubst MSYS%,MSYS,$(OS)) |
| OS := $(patsubst MINGW%,MSYS,$(OS)) |
| OS_LOWER := $(shell echo $(OS) | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') |
| endif |
| |
| lint: |
| GOGC=$(LINT_GOGC) golangci-lint run --config .golangci.yml --out-format tab --deadline $(LINT_DEADLINE) --verbose |
| |
| lint-fix: |
| GOGC=$(LINT_GOGC) golangci-lint run --config .golangci.yml --out-format tab --deadline $(LINT_DEADLINE) --fix |
| |
| dir-licenses: |
| ./script/vendor-license-directory.sh |
| |
| check-licenses: |
| ./script/check_licenses.sh |
| |
| check-platform: |
| ./script/check_platform.sh |
| |
| # The below are dependencies needed for maven structured logs. We must bundle into the final container image. |
| maven-overlay: |
| @echo "####### Preparing maven dependencies bundle..." |
| mkdir -p build/_maven_overlay |
| ./script/maven_overlay.sh -s "$(STAGING_RUNTIME_REPO)" -d "$(CAMEL_K_RUNTIME_DIR)" $(RUNTIME_VERSION) build/_maven_overlay |
| |
| kamel-overlay: |
| @echo "####### Copying kamel CLI to output build directory..." |
| mkdir -p build/_output/bin |
| ifeq ($(shell uname -s 2>/dev/null || echo Unknown),Linux) |
| cp kamel build/_output/bin |
| else ifeq ($(shell uname -m), arm64) |
| GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm64 go build $(GOFLAGS) -o build/_output/bin/kamel ./cmd/kamel/*.go |
| else |
| GOOS=linux go build $(GOFLAGS) -o build/_output/bin/kamel ./cmd/kamel/*.go |
| endif |
| |
| images: build kamel-overlay maven-overlay bundle-kamelets |
| ifneq (,$(findstring SNAPSHOT,$(RUNTIME_VERSION))) |
| ./script/package_maven_artifacts.sh -s "$(STAGING_RUNTIME_REPO)" -d "$(CAMEL_K_RUNTIME_DIR)" $(RUNTIME_VERSION) |
| endif |
| @echo "####### Building Camel K operator container image..." |
| mkdir -p build/_maven_output |
| docker build -t $(CUSTOM_IMAGE):$(CUSTOM_VERSION) -f build/Dockerfile . |
| |
| images-arch: build kamel-overlay maven-overlay bundle-kamelets |
| @echo "####### Building Camel K operator container image for multi architectures..." |
| mkdir -p build/_maven_output |
| docker buildx rm --all-inactive --force |
| docker buildx create --append --name builder |
| ifeq ($(shell uname -m), x86_x64) |
| docker buildx build --platform=linux/amd64 -t $(CUSTOM_IMAGE):$(CUSTOM_VERSION) -f build/Dockerfile.arch . |
| endif |
| ifeq ($(shell uname -m), aarch64) |
| docker buildx build --platform=linux/arm64 -t $(CUSTOM_IMAGE):$(CUSTOM_VERSION) -f build/Dockerfile.arch . |
| endif |
| ifeq ($(shell uname -m), arm64) |
| docker buildx build --platform=linux/amd64 -t $(CUSTOM_IMAGE):$(CUSTOM_VERSION) -f build/Dockerfile.arch . |
| endif |
| |
| images-dev: build kamel-overlay maven-overlay bundle-kamelets package-artifacts |
| @echo "####### Building Camel K operator container development image..." |
| docker build -t $(CUSTOM_IMAGE):$(CUSTOM_VERSION) -f build/Dockerfile . |
| |
| images-arch-dev: build kamel-overlay maven-overlay bundle-kamelets package-artifacts |
| @echo "####### Building Camel K operator container development image for multi architectures..." |
| docker buildx rm --all-inactive --force |
| docker buildx create --append --name builder |
| ifeq ($(shell uname -m), x86_x64) |
| docker buildx build --platform=linux/amd64 -t $(CUSTOM_IMAGE):$(CUSTOM_VERSION) -f build/Dockerfile.arch . |
| endif |
| ifeq ($(shell uname -m), aarch64) |
| docker buildx build --platform=linux/arm64 -t $(CUSTOM_IMAGE):$(CUSTOM_VERSION) -f build/Dockerfile.arch . |
| endif |
| ifeq ($(shell uname -m), arm64) |
| mv kamel.linux.arm build/_output/bin/kamel |
| docker buildx build --platform=linux/amd64 -t $(CUSTOM_IMAGE):$(CUSTOM_VERSION) -f build/Dockerfile.arch . |
| endif |
| |
| images-push: |
| docker push $(CUSTOM_IMAGE):$(CUSTOM_VERSION) |
| |
| images-push-staging: |
| |
| get-image: |
| @echo $(CUSTOM_IMAGE) |
| |
| get-version: |
| @echo $(CUSTOM_VERSION) |
| |
| get-last-released-img-name: |
| |
| get-last-released-version: |
| |
| get-csv-name: |
| |
| get-bundle-image: |
| @echo $(BUNDLE_IMAGE_NAME) |
| |
| set-version: |
| ./script/set_version.sh $(CUSTOM_VERSION) $(CUSTOM_IMAGE) |
| |
| set-module-version: |
| ./script/set_go_modules_version.sh $(CUSTOM_VERSION) |
| |
| git-tag: |
| ./script/git_tag.sh $(CUSTOM_VERSION) $(RELEASE_GIT_REMOTE) |
| |
| cross-compile: |
| # we must wrap the goldflags parameters with quotes as they will need to |
| # be processed as a single argument by the cross compile script |
| ./script/cross_compile.sh $(CUSTOM_VERSION) $(subst ","\",$(GOFLAGS)) |
| |
| package-examples: |
| ./script/package_examples.sh $(CUSTOM_VERSION) |
| |
| package-artifacts: |
| # useful for development purpose only in order to include any local development runtime dependency |
| ./script/package_maven_artifacts.sh -s "$(STAGING_RUNTIME_REPO)" -d "$(CAMEL_K_RUNTIME_DIR)" $(RUNTIME_VERSION) |
| |
| release: clean codegen set-module-version set-version build-resources check-licenses build images images-push cross-compile package-examples git-tag |
| |
| release-staging: clean codegen set-module-version set-version build-resources check-licenses build images images-push-staging cross-compile package-examples git-tag |
| |
| release-nightly: clean codegen set-module-version set-version build-resources build images images-push cross-compile package-examples |
| |
| release-helm: |
| ./script/release_helm.sh |
| |
| install-crc: |
| ./script/install_crc.sh $(CUSTOM_VERSION) |
| install-minikube: |
| ./script/install_minikube.sh |
| |
| get-staging-repo: |
| @echo $(or ${STAGING_RUNTIME_REPO},https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/snapshots@id=apache-snapshots@snapshots) |
| |
| .PHONY: do-build build build-kamel build-resources dep detect-os codegen images images-dev images-push images-push-staging test check test-integration clean release cross-compile package-examples set-version git-tag release-notes check-licenses generate-deepcopy generate-client generate-doc build-resources release-helm release-staging release-nightly get-staging-repo get-version build-submodules set-module-version bundle-kamelets generate-keda generate-strimzi |
| .PHONY: controller-gen kubectl kustomize operator-sdk |
| .PHONY: kubectl kustomize operator-sdk opm |
| |
| kubectl: |
| ifeq (, $(shell command -v kubectl 2> /dev/null)) |
| $(error "No kubectl found in PATH. Please install and re-run") |
| endif |
| |
| kustomize: |
| ifeq (, $(shell command -v kustomize 2> /dev/null)) |
| @{ \ |
| set -e ;\ |
| KUSTOMIZE_GEN_TMP_DIR=$$(mktemp -d) ;\ |
| go mod init tmp ;\ |
| go get sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kustomize/v4@$(KUSTOMIZE_VERSION) ;\ |
| rm -rf $$KUSTOMIZE_GEN_TMP_DIR ;\ |
| } |
| KUSTOMIZE=$(GOBIN)/kustomize |
| else |
| KUSTOMIZE=$(shell command -v kustomize 2> /dev/null) |
| endif |
| |
| operator-sdk: detect-os |
| ifeq (, $(shell command -v operator-sdk 2> /dev/null)) |
| @{ \ |
| set -e ;\ |
| curl \ |
| -L https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-sdk/releases/download/$(OPERATOR_SDK_VERSION)/operator-sdk_$(OS_LOWER)_amd64 \ |
| -o operator-sdk ; \ |
| chmod +x operator-sdk ;\ |
| mkdir -p $(GOBIN) ;\ |
| mv operator-sdk $(GOBIN)/ ;\ |
| } |
| OPERATOR_SDK=$(GOBIN)/operator-sdk |
| else |
| @{ \ |
| echo -n "operator-sdk already installed: "; \ |
| operator-sdk version | sed -n 's/.*"v\([^"]*\)".*/\1/p'; \ |
| echo " If this is less than $(OPERATOR_SDK_VERSION) then please consider moving it aside and allowing the approved version to be downloaded."; \ |
| } |
| OPERATOR_SDK=$(shell command -v operator-sdk 2> /dev/null) |
| endif |
| |
| opm: |
| ifeq (, $(shell command -v opm 2> /dev/null)) |
| @OPM_VERSION=$(OPM_VERSION) ./script/build_install_opm.sh |
| OPM=$(GOBIN)/opm |
| else |
| OPM=$(shell command -v opm 2> /dev/null) |
| endif |
| |
| .PHONY: generate-crd $(BUNDLE_CAMEL_APIS) pre-bundle bundle bundle-build |
| |
| # - Have to copy pkg/apis since it is a module in its own right |
| # - The dependency of v1alpha1 api on v1 results in duplication |
| # of the v1 schema in those CRDs so need to split them up |
| # - No way to add a licence header to the CRD other then post-script |
| BUNDLE_CAMEL_APIS = v1 v1alpha1 |
| |
| $(BUNDLE_CAMEL_APIS): operator-sdk |
| @# Clean up api directory, copy over fresh version |
| rm -rf api_$@ && cp -rf pkg/apis api_$@ |
| @# Remove the camel directory and re-copy only the required api |
| rm -rf api_$@/camel/* && cp -rf pkg/apis/camel/$@ api_$@/camel/ |
| @# operator-sdk generate ... cannot execute across separate modules so need to temporarily move api |
| $(OPERATOR_SDK) generate kustomize manifests --apis-dir $(addprefix api_, $@) -q |
| @# Adds the licence header to the csv file. |
| ./script/add_license.sh config/manifests/bases ./script/headers/yaml.txt |
| ./script/add_createdAt.sh config/manifests/bases |
| @# Clean up temporary working api directories |
| rm -rf api_* |
| |
| # Options for 'bundle-build' |
| ifneq ($(origin CHANNELS), undefined) |
| BUNDLE_CHANNELS := --channels=$(CHANNELS) |
| endif |
| ifneq ($(origin DEFAULT_CHANNEL), undefined) |
| endif |
| ifneq ($(origin PACKAGE), undefined) |
| BUNDLE_PACKAGE := --package=$(PACKAGE) |
| endif |
| |
| # |
| # Tailor the manifest according to default values for this project |
| # Note. to successfully make the bundle the name must match that specified in the PROJECT file |
| # |
| pre-bundle: |
| # bundle name must match that which appears in PROJECT file |
| @sed -i 's/projectName: .*/projectName: $(PACKAGE)/' PROJECT |
| @sed -i 's~^ containerImage: .*~ containerImage: $(CUSTOM_IMAGE):$(CUSTOM_VERSION)~' $(CSV_PATH) |
| @sed -i 's/^ support: .*/ support: $(CSV_SUPPORT)/' $(CSV_PATH) |
| @sed -i 's/^ name: .*.\(v.*\)/ name: $(CSV_NAME)/' $(CSV_PATH) |
| @sed -i 's/^ displayName: .*/ displayName: $(CSV_DISPLAY_NAME)/' $(CSV_PATH) |
| @sed -i 's/^ version: .*/ version: $(CSV_VERSION)/' $(CSV_PATH) |
| @if grep -q replaces config/manifests/bases/camel-k.clusterserviceversion.yaml; \ |
| then sed -i 's/^ replaces: .*/ replaces: $(CSV_REPLACES)/' $(CSV_PATH); \ |
| else sed -i '/ version: ${CSV_VERSION}/a \ \ replaces: $(CSV_REPLACES)' $(CSV_PATH); \ |
| fi |
| |
| bundle: set-version generate-crd $(BUNDLE_CAMEL_APIS) kustomize operator-sdk pre-bundle |
| @# Display BUNDLE_METADATA_OPTS for debugging |
| @# Sets the operator image to the preferred image:tag |
| @cd config/manifests && $(KUSTOMIZE) edit set image $(IMAGE_NAME)=$(CUSTOM_IMAGE):$(CUSTOM_VERSION) |
| @# Build kustomize manifests |
| @$(KUSTOMIZE) build config/manifests | \ |
| $(OPERATOR_SDK) generate bundle \ |
| -q --overwrite --version $(OPERATOR_VERSION) \ |
| --kustomize-dir config/manifests $(BUNDLE_METADATA_OPTS) |
| @# Move the dockerfile into the bundle directory |
| @mv bundle.Dockerfile bundle/Dockerfile && sed -i 's/bundle\///g' bundle/Dockerfile |
| @# Adds the licence headers to the csv file |
| ./script/add_license.sh bundle/manifests ./script/headers/yaml.txt |
| # Rename the CSV name to conform with the existing released operator versions |
| # This cannot happen in pre-bundle as the operator-sdk generation expects a CSV name the same as PACKAGE |
| @sed -i "s/^ name: $(CSV_NAME)/ name: $(CSV_PRODUCTION_NAME)/" $(CSV_PRODUCTION_PATH) |
| $(OPERATOR_SDK) bundle validate ./bundle |
| |
| # Build the bundle image. |
| bundle-build: bundle |
| cd bundle && docker build -f Dockerfile -t $(BUNDLE_IMAGE_NAME):$(CUSTOM_VERSION) . |
| |
| .PHONY: bundle-push bundle-index |
| |
| bundle-push: bundle-build |
| |
| # |
| # Builds a test catalog index for installing the operator via an OLM |
| # |
| bundle-index: opm |
| ./script/build_bundle_index.sh |