| # Go vendor |
| /vendor |
| /github.com |
| |
| # Binary files |
| /kamel |
| /kamel.* |
| /license-check |
| /**/platform-check |
| |
| # Config files |
| /kamel-config.yaml |
| /.kamel/kamel-config.yaml |
| |
| # Released Packages |
| *.tar.gz |
| |
| # Release Notes |
| /release-notes.md |
| |
| # Unuseful file |
| /resources/operator.yaml |
| |
| # Bundle directory |
| /bundle |
| |
| # Bundle Index directory |
| /index |
| index.Dockerfile |
| |
| # IDEs |
| .idea |
| *.iml |
| .project |
| .metadata |
| .gopath |
| |
| # Temporary Build Files |
| build/_output |
| build/_test |
| build/_maven_output |
| build/_maven_overlay |
| build/_kamelets |
| build/_maven_overlay/ |
| build/maven/target/ |
| build/maven |
| /api_* |
| |
| # envrc |
| .envrc |
| |
| # eclipse / vscode |
| .settings |
| .classpath |
| .factorypath |
| |
| # Created by https://www.gitignore.io/api/go,vim,emacs,visualstudiocode |
| |
| ### Emacs ### |
| # -*- mode: gitignore; -*- |
| *~ |
| \#*\# |
| /.emacs.desktop |
| /.emacs.desktop.lock |
| *.elc |
| auto-save-list |
| tramp |
| .\#* |
| |
| # Org-mode |
| .org-id-locations |
| *_archive |
| |
| # flymake-mode |
| *_flymake.* |
| |
| # eshell files |
| /eshell/history |
| /eshell/lastdir |
| |
| # elpa packages |
| /elpa/ |
| |
| # reftex files |
| *.rel |
| |
| # AUCTeX auto folder |
| /auto/ |
| |
| # cask packages |
| .cask/ |
| dist/ |
| |
| # Flycheck |
| flycheck_*.el |
| |
| # server auth directory |
| /server/ |
| |
| # projectiles files |
| .projectile |
| projectile-bookmarks.eld |
| |
| # directory configuration |
| .dir-locals.el |
| |
| # saveplace |
| places |
| |
| # url cache |
| url/cache/ |
| |
| # cedet |
| ede-projects.el |
| |
| # smex |
| smex-items |
| |
| # company-statistics |
| company-statistics-cache.el |
| |
| # anaconda-mode |
| anaconda-mode/ |
| |
| ### Go ### |
| # Binaries for programs and plugins |
| *.exe |
| *.exe~ |
| *.dll |
| *.so |
| *.dylib |
| |
| # Test binary, build with 'go test -c' |
| *.test |
| |
| # Output of the go coverage tool, specifically when used with LiteIDE |
| *.out |
| |
| ### Vim ### |
| # swap |
| .sw[a-p] |
| .*.sw[a-p] |
| # session |
| Session.vim |
| # temporary |
| .netrwhist |
| # auto-generated tag files |
| tags |
| |
| ### VisualStudioCode ### |
| .vscode |
| .vscode/* |
| !.vscode/settings.json |
| !.vscode/tasks.json |
| !.vscode/launch.json |
| !.vscode/extensions.json |
| |
| # Unix line endings for the Maven wrapper script |
| mvnw text eol=lf |
| .history |
| |
| # End of https://www.gitignore.io/api/go,vim,emacs,visualstudiocode |
| |
| ### config kustomize ### |
| config/**/*.gen.tmpl |
| config/**/*.gen.yaml |
| config/**/*.gen.json |
| |
| release/*-installer* |