Saga example

This example is from camel-saga-quickstart and could work with the camel-k.

  • Start the lra-coordinator by using the openshift
oc create -f lra-coordinator.yaml
  • Or start the lra-coordinator by using the kubernetes
kubectl create -f lra-coordiantor-kub.yaml
  • Start the three demo services
kamel run -t container.service-port=8080 --dependency=camel-rest --dependency=camel-undertow --dependency=camel-lra examples/saga/
kamel run -t container.service-port=8080 --dependency=camel-rest --dependency=camel-undertow --dependency=camel-lra examples/saga/
kamel run -t container.service-port=8080 --dependency=camel-rest --dependency=camel-undertow --dependency=camel-lra examples/saga/
  • Start the saga application
kamel run -t container.service-port=8080 --dependency=camel-rest --dependency=camel-undertow --dependency=camel-lra examples/saga/

Then you can use kamel log saga to check the output of the transactions.