Kamelets Camel K examples

Find useful examples about how to use Kamelets.

To learn more about Kamelets, see the Kamelets Guide
You can find more information about Apache Camel and Apache Camel K on the official Camel website

Before you begin

Read the general instructions in the root README.md file for setting up your environment and the Kubernetes cluster before looking at this example.

Make sure you've read the installation instructions for your specific cluster before starting the example.

Understanding the Examples

The examples are grouped into the following sub-directories:

  • chuck-norris: contains quick demonstration on how to use an already existing kamelet in a Camel application.
  • error-handler: contains examples on how to:
    • create event source kamelet and sink kamelet
    • bind the source and sink kamelets using KameletBinding
    • handle error arising from sending events
  • kameletbindings: contains more examples on KamletBindings and how to use traits to customize your integration.
  • timer-source: contains examples on how to:
    • create and use a timer source kamelet
    • bind a source kamelet to a Knative destination using KamletBinding
  • timer-source-log-sink:
    • create and use a timer source kamelet
    • bind a source kamelet to a Knative destination using KamletBinding
    • create a log sink kamlet and bind it to the Knative destination using KamletBinding