Apache Camel JBang Examples

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  1. 7c50cd9 Add MQTT example (#5) by Christoph Deppisch · 13 hours ago main
  2. a8c1256 Add AWS S3 Event Based Example (#4) by Andrea Cosentino · 35 hours ago
  3. 9531800 Update README.md by Claus Ibsen · 3 days ago
  4. a053870 Polished by Claus Ibsen · 3 days ago
  5. e44e108 Move ftp example here by Claus Ibsen · 3 days ago

Apache Camel JBang Examples

Apache Camel is a powerful open source integration framework based on known Enterprise Integration Patterns with powerful bean integration.


This project provides examples for low-code integrations with Apache Camel JBang.


This git repository hosts a set of ready-to-use examples you can try to learn more about Apache Camel, and how Camel can be used to integrate systems. These examples are accessible for non developers, as they can run without having to use traditional Java compilation or build systems such as Maven or Gradle.

All examples can run local on your computer from a CLI terminal by executing a few commands.

These examples uses JBang as the CLI which is a great tool that makes using Java much easier.

Installing JBang

First install JBang according to https://www.jbang.dev

When JBang is installed then you should be able to run from a shell:

jbang --version

This will output the version of JBang.

Installing Camel JBang

To run this example you can install Camel on JBang via:

jbang app install camel@apache/camel

Which allows to run Camel with camel as shown below.

camel --version

Integration testing

The examples provide automated integration tests that you can run with the Citrus test framework.

You need to install Citrus as a JBang app, too:

jbang app install citrus@citrusframework/citrus

Now you can start running commands for the Citrus JBang app with just calling citrus:

citrus --version

Usually the Citrus tests are written in YAML files and named accordingly to the Camel JBang route source file.

For instance the Camel route mqtt.camel.yaml route provides a test named mqtt.camel.it.yaml. You can run the test with Citrus JBang like this:

citrus run mqtt.camel.it.yaml

Usually the test prepares the complete infrastructure (e.g. via Docker compose) and starts the Camel route automatically via JBang. Of course the test also performs some validation steps to make sure that the Camel route works as expected.

Other Examples

You can also find a set of various Camel JBang examples at: https://github.com/apache/camel-kamelets-examples/tree/main/jbang