tree: 63203e0011e7fbd2b68ab5e41d47d657c70ee59b [path history] [tgz]
  1. resume-api-aws2-kinesis/
  2. resume-api-cassandraql/
  3. resume-api-common/
  4. resume-api-file-offset/
  5. resume-api-fileset/
  6. resume-api-fileset-clusterized/
  7. resume-api-fileset-wal/
  8. pom.xml

Resume API Examples

This module contains examples for the resume API.

  • resume-api-common: common code used for all the resume API examples
  • resume-api-file-offset: an example that shows how to use the Resume API for processing large files
  • resume-api-fileset: an example that shows how to use the Resume API for processing a large directory
  • resume-api-fileset-wal: an example that shows how to use the Resume API with the Write Ahead Log for processing a large directory