diff --git a/examples/README.adoc b/examples/README.adoc
index 1efc231..619cf11 100644
--- a/examples/README.adoc
+++ b/examples/README.adoc
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 == Examples
 // examples: START
-Number of Examples: 78 (0 deprecated)
+Number of Examples: 79 (0 deprecated)
@@ -41,6 +41,8 @@
 | link:camel-example-main-endpointdsl/readme.adoc[Main Endpointdsl] (camel-example-main-endpointdsl) | Beginner | An example for showing standalone Camel with Endpoint DSL
+| link:camel-example-main-endpointdsl-aws2-s3/readme.adoc[Main Endpointdsl Aws2 S3] (camel-example-main-endpointdsl-aws2-s3) | Beginner | An example for showing standalone Camel with Endpoint DSL and AWS2-S3
 | link:camel-example-main-health/readme.adoc[Main Health] (camel-example-main-health) | Beginner | An example for showing standalone Camel with Health Checks
 | link:camel-example-main-lambda/readme.adoc[Main Lambda] (camel-example-main-lambda) | Beginner | Camel routes lambda style