CAMEL-17821 - Provide camel-debug in a profile (#84)

* CAMEL-17821 - Provide camel-debug in a profile

Currently, Camel textual debugging requires having camel-debug in
dependencies. This is an extra dependency that we do not want at


* main java example is configured having it at runtime.
* main xml and yaml doesn't have it

I think a possible good practice is to add the dependency in a profile,
for instance named `camel.debug` which can be activated with the
property camel.debug set to true.

This would be nice to be done for all examples but maybe best to start
with the 3 more simple/important main (java), main-xml and main-yaml to
help starting discussion and see the feedback on it.

I think this is even more important for 3.16 as JMX is exposed by
default when the dependency is available.

Signed-off-by: Aurélien Pupier <>

* CAMEL-17821 - Provide note in readmes of compatible examples for
camel.debug profile

Signed-off-by: Aurélien Pupier <>

* CAMEL-17821 - add description in readme to use camel.debug property to
activate profile

Signed-off-by: Aurélien Pupier <>
6 files changed
tree: 8fba24cb4fbd0671014386ad67aec843fb0deacb
  1. .github/
  2. .mvn/
  3. examples/
  4. .asf.yaml
  5. .gitattributes
  6. .gitignore
  7. LICENSE.txt
  8. mvnw
  9. mvnw.cmd
  10. NOTICE.txt

Apache Camel Examples

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Apache Camel is a powerful open source integration framework based on known Enterprise Integration Patterns with powerful bean integration.


This project provides examples for Apache Camel.