layout: news_item date: “2019-06-24 15:00:00 +0000” author: mmior version: 1.20.0 categories: [release] tag: v1-20-0 sha: 31a3321a23e995e6c7bdc7f4be5dbee275c5a61f

The [Apache Calcite PMC]({{ site.baseurl }}) is pleased to announce [Apache Calcite release 1.20.0]({{ site.baseurl }}/docs/history.html#v1-20-0).

This release comes three months after 1.19.0. It includes more than 130 resolved issues, comprising of a few new features as well as general improvements and bug-fixes. It includes support for anti-joins, recursive queries, new functions, a new adapter, and many more bug fixes and improvements.