layout: news_item date: “2016-06-13 07:00:00 +0000” author: jhyde version: 1.8.0 categories: [release] tag: v1-8-0 sha: aeb6bf1

The [Apache Calcite PMC]({{ site.baseurl }}) is pleased to announce [Apache Calcite release 1.8.0]({{ site.baseurl }}/docs/history.html#v1-8-0).

This release adds adapters for Elasticsearch and Druid. It is also now easier to make a JDBC connection based upon a single adapter.

There are several new SQL features: UNNEST with multiple arguments, MAP arguments and with a JOIN; a DESCRIBE statement; and a TRANSLATE function like the one in Oracle and PostgreSQL.

We also added support for SELECT without FROM (equivalent to the VALUES clause, and widely used in MySQL and PostgreSQL), and added a [conformance]({{ site.baseurl }}/docs/adapter.html#jdbc-connect-string-parameters) parameter to allow you to selectively enable this and other SQL features.

And, as usual, there are a couple of dozen bug-fixes and enhancements to planner rules and APIs.