layout: news_item date: “2016-03-22 12:00:00 +0000” author: jhyde version: 1.7.0 categories: [release] tag: v1-7-0 sha: 8eebfc6

Apache Calcite 1.7.0 is the first release since [Avatica became an independent project]({{ site.avaticaBaseurl }}/news/2016/03/03/separate-project/). Calcite now depends on [Avatica]({{ site.avaticaBaseurl }}/) in the same way as it does other libraries, via a Maven dependency. To see Avatica-related changes, see the [release notes for Avatica 1.7.1]({{ site.avaticaBaseurl }}/docs/history.html#v1-7-1).

We have added an [adapter]({{ site.baseurl }}/docs/cassandra.html) for Apache Cassandra. You can map a Cassandra keyspace into Calcite as a schema, Cassandra CQL tables as tables, and execute SQL queries on them, which Calcite converts into CQL. Cassandra can define and maintain materialized views but the adapter goes further: it can transparently rewrite a query to use a materialized view even if the view is not mentioned in the query.

This release adds an Oracle-compatibility mode. If you add fun=oracle to your JDBC connect string, you get all of the standard operators and functions plus Oracle-specific functions DECODE, NVL, LTRIM, RTRIM, GREATEST and LEAST. We look forward to adding more functions, and compatibility modes for other databases, in future releases.

We‘ve replaced our use of JUL (java.util.logging) with SLF4J. SLF4J provides an API which Calcite can use independent of the logging implementation. This ultimately provides additional flexibility to users, allowing them to configure Calcite’s logging within their own chosen logging framework. This work was done in [CALCITE-669].

For users experienced with configuring JUL in Calcite previously, there are some differences as some the JUL logging levels do not exist in SLF4J: FINE, FINER, and FINEST, specifically. To deal with this, FINE was mapped to SLF4J‘s DEBUG level, while FINER and FINEST were mapped to SLF4J’s TRACE.