layout: news_item date: “2016-09-22 12:00:00 +0000” author: jcamacho version: 1.9.0 categories: [release] tag: v1-9-0 sha: 08c56b1

The [Apache Calcite PMC]({{ site.baseurl }}) is pleased to announce [Apache Calcite release 1.9.0]({{ site.baseurl }}/docs/history.html#v-1-9-0).

This release includes extensions and fixes for the Druid adapter. New features were added, such as the capability to recognize and translate Timeseries and TopN Druid queries. Moreover, this release contains multiple bug fixes over the initial implementation of the adapter. It is worth mentioning that most of these fixes were contributed by Druid developers, which demonstrates the good reception of the adapter by that community.

We have added new SQL features too, e.g., support for LATERAL TABLE. There are multiple interesting extensions to the planner rules that should contribute to obtain better plans, such as avoiding doing the same join twice in the presence of COUNT DISTINCT, or being able to simplify the expressions in the plan further. In addition, we implemented a rule to convert predicates on EXTRACT function calls into date ranges. The rule is not specific to Druid; however, in principle, it will be useful to identify filter conditions on the time dimension of Druid data sources.

Finally, the release includes more than thirty bug-fixes, minor enhancements and internal changes to planner rules and APIs.