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Upcoming talks

  • 2016/11/14 Apache: Big Data, Seville — talks by Alan Gates (Apache Hive), Jesús Camacho Rodríguez (Apache Hive and Druid) and Atri Sharma (streaming)

Project Members

Name (Apache ID)GithubOrgRole
{% for c in %}{% if c.homepage %}{{ }}{% else %}{{ }}{% endif %} ({{ c.apacheId }}){{ }}{{ c.role }}
{% endfor %}

Mailing Lists

There are several mailing lists for Calcite:

You can subscribe to the lists by sending email to {list} and unsubscribe by sending email to {list} (where {list} is either “dev”, “issues”, or “commits”).


Need help with Calcite? Try these resources:

  • Mailing Lists. The best option is to send email to the developers list All of the historic traffic is available in the archive. To subscribe to the user list, please send email to
  • Bug Reports. Please file any issues you encounter or fixes you'd like on the Calcite Jira. We welcome patches and pull-requests!
  • StackOverflow. StackOverflow is a wonderful resource for any developer. Take a look over there to see if someone has answered your question.
  • Browse the code. One of the advantages of open source software is that you can browse the code. The code is available on github.


Want to learn more about Calcite?

Watch some presentations and read through some slide decks about Calcite, or attend one of the upcoming talks.

Apache Calcite: One planner fits all

Voted Best Lightning Talk at XLDB-2015; [video], [slides].

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Streaming SQL

At Hadoop Summit, San Jose, CA, 2016 [video], [slides], [pdf].

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Cost-based Query Optimization in Apache Phoenix using Apache Calcite

At Hadoop Summit, San Jose, CA, 2016 [video], [slides], [pdf].

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Planning with Polyalgebra: Bringing together relational, complex and machine learning algebra

As Hadoop Summit, Dublin, 2016 [video], [slides].

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More talks

  • Why you care about relational algebra (even though you didn't know it) (Washington DC, 2015)
  • Cost-based optimization in Hive 0.14 (Seattle, 2014)
  • Discardable, in-memory materialized query for Hadoop (video) (Hadoop Summit, 2014)
  • SQL Now! (NoSQL Now! conference, 2013)
  • Drill / SQL / Optiq (2013)
  • How to integrate Splunk with any data solution (Splunk User Conference, 2012)