layout: page title: Developing

Want to help add a feature or fix a bug?

Project Members

NameApache IdGithubOrganizationRole
{% for c in %} {{ }}{{ c.apacheId }}{{ }}{{ c.role }}
{% endfor %}

Mailing Lists

There are several development mailing lists for Calcite:

You can subscribe to the lists by sending email to and unsubscribe by sending email to

Source code

Calcite uses git for version control. The canonical source is in Apache, but most people find the Github mirror more user-friendly.

Download source, build, and run tests

Prerequisites are git, maven (3.2.1 or later) and Java (JDK 1.7 or later, 1.8 preferred) on your path.

Create a local copy of the git repository, cd to its root directory, then build using maven:

{% highlight bash %} $ git clone git:// $ cd calcite $ mvn install {% endhighlight %}

Please check our [contributing guidelines]({{ site.baseurl }}/docs/howto.html#contributing).