Apache Calcite docs site

This directory contains the code for the Apache Calcite web site, calcite.apache.org.


  1. cd site
  2. svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/calcite/site target
  3. sudo apt-get install rubygems ruby2.1-dev zlib1g-dev (linux)
  4. sudo gem install bundler github-pages jekyll
  5. bundle install

Add javadoc

  1. cd ..
  2. mvn -DskipTests site
  3. mv target/site/apidocs site/target

Running locally

Before opening a pull request, you can preview your contributions by running from within the directory:

  1. bundle exec jekyll serve
  2. Open http://localhost:4000

Pushing to site

  1. cd site/target
  2. svn status
  3. You'll need to svn add any new files
  4. svn ci

Within a few minutes, svnpubsub should kick in and you'll be able to see the results at calcite.apache.org.