[CALCITE-4931] Upgrade SLF4J binding to Log4j2 version 2.15.0

Log4j (binding) is used for testing purposes in various modules and
for production code (shaded) in standalone-server and tck modules.

1. Replace slf4j-log4j12 dependency (using Log4j 1.x)  with
log4j-slf4j-impl (using Log4j 2.x) and take latest version
2. Use XML syntax instead of property syntax for Log4j configuration. A
Log4j configuration is hierarchical by nature so formats with natural
support for nesting (such as XML) are easier to use.

Closes #164

Amending-author: Josh Elser <elserj@apache.org>
17 files changed
tree: acd1bb57bd84d20eb55000801cbb428c3f8b6e29
  1. .github/
  2. bom/
  3. core/
  4. docker/
  5. gradle/
  6. metrics/
  7. metrics-dropwizardmetrics/
  8. noop-driver/
  9. release/
  10. server/
  11. shaded/
  12. site/
  13. src/
  14. standalone-server/
  15. tck/
  16. .editorconfig
  17. .gitattributes
  18. .gitignore
  19. .ratignore
  20. .travis.yml
  21. build.gradle.kts
  22. docker-compose.yml
  23. docker.sh
  24. gradle.properties
  25. gradlew
  26. gradlew.bat
  28. NOTICE
  29. README
  30. README.md
  31. settings.gradle.kts

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Apache Calcite -- Avatica

Apache Calcite's Avatica is a framework for building database drivers.

Avatica is a sub-project of Apache Calcite.

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