layout: news_item date: “2020-07-16 08:30:00 +0000” author: francischuang version: 5.0.0 categories: [release] tag: v5-0-0 sha: 0e3f5df component: avatica-go

Apache Calcite Avatica Go 5.0.0 is a major release with numerous improvements and a breaking change. As this is a new major version, users of this package will need to upgrade their import paths to "".

Since Go modules have been available since Go 1.11 (3 versions back as of writing), users of this library should install it using Go modules as support for dep has been removed.

This release also introduces the batching query string parameter in the DSN, which allows updates to the server using a prepared statement to be batched together and executed once Close() is called on the statement.

Breaking change for connection metadata (CALCITE-3248): Previously, it is possible to set the HTTP username and password using the username and password parameters in the query string of the DSN. These parameters were confusing and didn't signal the intent and effect of the parameters in addition to clashing with the avaticaUser and avaticaPassword parameters. The username and password parameters have now been removed as CALCITE-3248 implements the Connector interface via the NewConnector() method, which allows the driver to be instantiated with a custom HTTP client. Subsequently, it is now possible to set up the driver with a custom HTTP client and decorate it with the WithDigestAuth(), WithBasicAuth(), WithKerberosAuth() and WithAdditionalHeaders() methods.

The Calcite team recommends users of this package to upgrade to this version, where practical, as the dependencies being used by this package have also been upgraded.