layout: news_item date: “2018-09-10 08:30:00 +0000” author: francischuang version: 3.1.0 categories: [release] tag: v3-1-0 sha: 0e1ae23 component: avatica-go

Apache Calcite Avatica Go 3.1.0 is a minor release of the Avatica Go client to bring in support for Go modules. This release includes updated dependencies, testing against more targets and [support for Go Modules]({{ site.baseurl }}/docs/go_history.html#v3-1-0).

Go 1.11 along with Go modules support was released at the end of August 2018. Go modules will become the official package management solution for Go projects. As the Go team currently supports both Go 1.11 and Go 1.10, the Gopkg.toml and Gopkg.lock files are still available for those using dep for package management. We plan to remove support for dep when Go 1.12 is released in early 2019, so we encourage users to upgrade to Go 1.11 and use Go modules where possible.