Apache Avatica/Phoenix SQL Driver

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Apache Calcite's Avatica Go is a Go database/sql driver for the Avatica server.

Avatica is a sub-project of Apache Calcite.

Quick Start

Install using your dependency management tool (we recommend dep!):

$ dep ensure -add github.com/apache/calcite-avatica-go

The Phoenix/Avatica driver implements Go's database/sql/driver interface, so, import the database/sql package and the driver:

import "database/sql"
import _ "github.com/apache/calcite-avatica-go"

db, err := sql.Open("avatica", "http://localhost:8765")

Then simply use the database connection to query some data, for example:

rows := db.Query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test")

For more details, see the home page.

Release notes for all published versions are available on the history page.