Running on Windows

This is a temporary doc tied to the lifetime of the aevri/win32 branch, intended to help you repro the results.


First, make sure you have Python 3 installed.

Next, you probably want to create a venv to install BuildStream into, for experimentation.

Then, clone and install BuildStream:

git clone  --branch aevri/win32
pip install -e ./buildstream

Next, install some additional dependencies for proper display:

pip install colorama windows-curses

Finally, make sure you have the build tools installed:

Hello World

Here is how to build the “Hello World” example.

First, launch a “Developer Command Prompt for VS 2017”. This ensures that you have the correct environment variables for building. The next instructions assume you are running inside this prompt.

Next, make sure you have activated any virtual environment for BuildStream.

Then, change directory to the buildstream git repository.

Finally, build and run like so:

bst --help

cd doc\examples\running-commands

bst show hello.bst

bst build hello.bst

bst artifact checkout hello.bst --directory checkout
cd checkout