blob: 20aa318bb531dde74c8e6d8a5e82bc48458a48a0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Authors:
# Tristan Van Berkom <>
# Tiago Gomes <>
import os
from .exceptions import ErrorDomain
# Disable pylint warnings for whole file here:
# pylint: disable=global-statement
# The last raised exception, this is used in test cases only
_last_exception = None
_last_task_error_domain = None
_last_task_error_reason = None
# get_last_exception()
# Fetches the last exception from the main process
# Used by regression tests
def get_last_exception():
global _last_exception
le = _last_exception
_last_exception = None
return le
# get_last_task_error()
# Fetches the last exception from a task
# Used by regression tests
def get_last_task_error():
if "BST_TEST_SUITE" not in os.environ:
raise BstError("Getting the last task error is only supported when running tests")
global _last_task_error_domain
global _last_task_error_reason
d = _last_task_error_domain
r = _last_task_error_reason
_last_task_error_domain = _last_task_error_reason = None
return (d, r)
# set_last_task_error()
# Sets the last exception of a task
# This is set by some internals to inform regression
# tests about how things failed in a machine readable way
def set_last_task_error(domain, reason):
if "BST_TEST_SUITE" in os.environ:
global _last_task_error_domain
global _last_task_error_reason
_last_task_error_domain = domain
_last_task_error_reason = reason
# BstError is an internal base exception class for BuildStream
# exceptions.
# The sole purpose of using the base class is to add additional
# context to exceptions raised by plugins in child tasks, this
# context can then be communicated back to the main process.
class BstError(Exception):
def __init__(self, message, *, detail=None, domain=None, reason=None, temporary=False):
global _last_exception
# Additional error detail, these are used to construct detail
# portions of the logging messages when encountered.
self.detail = detail
# A sandbox can be created to debug this error
self.sandbox = False
# When this exception occurred during the handling of a job, indicate
# whether or not there is any point retrying the job.
self.temporary = temporary
# Error domain and reason
self.domain = domain
self.reason = reason
# Hold on to the last raised exception for testing purposes
if "BST_TEST_SUITE" in os.environ:
_last_exception = self
# PluginError
# Raised on plugin related errors.
# This exception is raised either by the plugin loading process,
# or by the base :class:`.Plugin` element itself.
class PluginError(BstError):
def __init__(self, message, *, reason=None, detail=None, temporary=False):
super().__init__(message, domain=ErrorDomain.PLUGIN, detail=detail, reason=reason, temporary=temporary)
# LoadError
# Raised while loading some YAML.
# Args:
# message (str): human readable error explanation
# reason (LoadErrorReason): machine readable error reason
# This exception is raised when loading or parsing YAML, or when
# interpreting project YAML
class LoadError(BstError):
def __init__(self, message, reason, *, detail=None):
super().__init__(message, detail=detail, domain=ErrorDomain.LOAD, reason=reason)
# ImplError
# Raised when a :class:`.Source` or :class:`.Element` plugin fails to
# implement a mandatory method
class ImplError(BstError):
def __init__(self, message, reason=None):
super().__init__(message, domain=ErrorDomain.IMPL, reason=reason)
# PlatformError
# Raised if the current platform is not supported.
class PlatformError(BstError):
def __init__(self, message, reason=None, detail=None):
super().__init__(message, domain=ErrorDomain.PLATFORM, reason=reason, detail=detail)
# SandboxError
# Raised when errors are encountered by the sandbox implementation
class SandboxError(BstError):
def __init__(self, message, detail=None, reason=None):
super().__init__(message, detail=detail, domain=ErrorDomain.SANDBOX, reason=reason)
# AssetCacheError
# Raised when errors are encountered in either type of cache
class AssetCacheError(BstError):
def __init__(self, message, detail=None, reason=None):
super().__init__(message, detail=detail, domain=ErrorDomain.SANDBOX, reason=reason)
# SourceCacheError
# Raised when errors are encountered in the source caches
class SourceCacheError(BstError):
def __init__(self, message, detail=None, reason=None, temporary=False):
super().__init__(message, detail=detail, domain=ErrorDomain.SANDBOX, reason=reason, temporary=temporary)
# ArtifactError
# Raised when errors are encountered in the artifact caches
class ArtifactError(BstError):
def __init__(self, message, *, detail=None, reason=None, temporary=False):
super().__init__(message, detail=detail, domain=ErrorDomain.ARTIFACT, reason=reason, temporary=temporary)
# RemoteError
# Raised when errors are encountered in Remotes
class RemoteError(BstError):
def __init__(self, message, *, detail=None, reason=None):
super().__init__(message, detail=detail, domain=ErrorDomain.REMOTE, reason=reason)
# CASError
# Raised when errors are encountered in the CAS
class CASError(BstError):
def __init__(self, message, *, detail=None, reason=None, temporary=False):
super().__init__(message, detail=detail, domain=ErrorDomain.CAS, reason=reason, temporary=temporary)
# CASRemoteError
# Raised when errors are encountered in the remote CAS
class CASRemoteError(CASError):
# CASCacheError
# Raised when errors are encountered in the local CASCacheError
class CASCacheError(CASError):
# PipelineError
# Raised from pipeline operations
class PipelineError(BstError):
def __init__(self, message, *, detail=None, reason=None):
super().__init__(message, detail=detail, domain=ErrorDomain.PIPELINE, reason=reason)
# StreamError
# Raised when a stream operation fails
class StreamError(BstError):
def __init__(self, message=None, *, detail=None, reason=None, terminated=False):
# The empty string should never appear to a user,
# this only allows us to treat this internal error as
# a BstError from the frontend.
if message is None:
message = ""
super().__init__(message, detail=detail, domain=ErrorDomain.STREAM, reason=reason)
self.terminated = terminated
# AppError
# Raised from the frontend App directly
class AppError(BstError):
def __init__(self, message, detail=None, reason=None):
super().__init__(message, detail=detail, domain=ErrorDomain.APP, reason=reason)
# CachedFailure
# Raised from a child process within a job to indicate that the failure was cached
class CachedFailure(BstError):
# SkipJob
# Raised from a child process within a job when the job should be
# considered skipped by the parent process.
class SkipJob(Exception):
# ArtifactElementError
# Raised when errors are encountered by artifact elements
class ArtifactElementError(BstError):
def __init__(self, message, *, detail=None, reason=None):
super().__init__(message, detail=detail, domain=ErrorDomain.ELEMENT, reason=reason)
# ProfileError
# Raised when a user provided profile choice isn't valid
class ProfileError(BstError):
def __init__(self, message, detail=None, reason=None):
super().__init__(message, detail=detail, domain=ErrorDomain.PROFILE, reason=reason)