Multi-venv experiment

This is an experiment to test the feasability of supporting a venv per plugin, all running under the same interpreter.

It shows:

  • Installing two separate venvs with different dependency versions
  • Running an interpretor which loads a plugin in both separate venvs (it could even be the same plugin, and need not be a “BuildStream” plugin, but some python module loaded on demand)
  • Prove that we infact have separation (perhaps by having the plugin just print the versions of it's dependencies).

The approach taken in this experiment is to push all modules required by the plugin into a PluginBase space.

Major problems discovered

  • We don‘t override sys.modules, so this in jinja2 v2.10 won’t work: del sys.modules['jinja2._identifier']. A first attempt to override sys.modules resulted in mysterious failures not detailed here.

  • Relative-imports work in a way that doesn't seem to be obvious, which is incompatible with the hack to rewrite top-level imports. See the import_override function for more details.

  • Global imports don't seem to work with pure PluginBase, e.g. jinja2 itself will do from jinja2.environment import Environment, Template in its, which fails. This is overcome with the import_override hackery in the experiment.

  • the jinja2.__version__ reported by the plugin is actually the version of pluginbase instead. Interestingly the jinja2.__version__ reported in the main app is different.

  • the jinja2.evalcontextfilter accessed by the plugin is different from the one accessed in the main app. That's probably for the same reason as the above point.


Create a Python venv for each subdirectory, e.g.

python3 -m venv ~/PyVenv/notbuildstream
python3 -m venv ~/PyVenv/notbstalphaelement
python3 -m venv ~/PyVenv/notbstbetaelement
python3 -m venv ~/PyVenv/notbstgammaelement

Then, for each directory:

  • Activate the appropriate venv. e.g. . ~/PyVenv/notbuildstream/bin/activate.
  • For each subdirectory, pip install SUBDIRECTORY. Don't use -e, as it seems that .egg-links are a separate case that need special consideration.

Make sure that the reference to lib/python3.7/site-packages in is fixed up as appropriate for your venvs.


Enter the venv for notbuildstream, and invoke it with the paths to the other venvs, e.g.

notbst ~/PyVenv/ ~/PyVenv/notbst{alpha,beta,gamma}element

You should see somthing like:

venv: /Users/jevripiotis/PyVenv/notbstalphaelement
jinja2.__version__: 1.0.0
jinja2.evalcontextfilter: None
main: jinja2: <module 'pluginbase._internalspace._sp5d362f8c6220a8c7f6ec3263825004f6.jinja2' from '/Users/jevripiotis/PyVenv/notbstalphaelement/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jinja2/'>
main: jinja2.__version__: 2.8
main: jinja2.__file__: /Users/jevripiotis/PyVenv/notbstalphaelement/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jinja2/
main: Has evalcontextfilter: <function evalcontextfilter at 0x10b66c9d8>

venv: /Users/jevripiotis/PyVenv/notbstbetaelement
jinja2.__version__: 1.0.0
jinja2.evalcontextfilter: None
main: jinja2: <module 'pluginbase._internalspace._sp97ff7e741eeaeaf9c282906561d1b456.jinja2' from '/Users/jevripiotis/PyVenv/notbstbetaelement/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jinja2/'>
main: jinja2.__version__: unknown
main: jinja2.__file__: /Users/jevripiotis/PyVenv/notbstbetaelement/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jinja2/
main: Has evalcontextfilter: None

venv: /Users/jevripiotis/PyVenv/notbstgammaelement
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/jevripiotis/PyVenv/notbuildstream/bin/notbst", line 11, in <module>
    load_entry_point('notbuildstream', 'console_scripts', 'notbst')()
--- 8< --- snip long stacktrace --- 8< ---
  File "/Users/jevripiotis/PyVenv/notbstgammaelement/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jinja2/", line 50, in <module>
    del sys.modules['jinja2._identifier']
KeyError: 'jinja2._identifier'