_stream.py: Parallelize cache queries if a remote cache is configured

For local cache queries the overhead of cache query jobs may be larger
than the benefit of cache query parallelization. However, for remote
cache queries where each query is more expensive, parallelization should
always result in a speedup.
diff --git a/src/buildstream/_stream.py b/src/buildstream/_stream.py
index 21ba47d..12c6638 100644
--- a/src/buildstream/_stream.py
+++ b/src/buildstream/_stream.py
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
+    CacheQueryQueue,
@@ -206,20 +207,31 @@
             # Enqueue complete build plan as this is required to determine `buildable` status.
             plan = list(_pipeline.dependencies(elements, _Scope.ALL))
-            for element in plan:
-                if element._can_query_cache():
-                    # Cache status already available.
-                    # This is the case for artifact elements, which load the
-                    # artifact early on.
-                    pass
-                elif not only_sources and element._get_cache_key(strength=_KeyStrength.WEAK):
-                    element._load_artifact(pull=False)
-                    if sources_of_cached_elements or not element._can_query_cache() or not element._cached_success():
+            if self._context.remote_cache_spec:
+                # Parallelize cache queries if a remote cache is configured
+                self._reset()
+                self._add_queue(CacheQueryQueue(self._scheduler, sources=only_sources), track=True)
+                self._enqueue_plan(plan)
+                self._run()
+            else:
+                for element in plan:
+                    if element._can_query_cache():
+                        # Cache status already available.
+                        # This is the case for artifact elements, which load the
+                        # artifact early on.
+                        pass
+                    elif not only_sources and element._get_cache_key(strength=_KeyStrength.WEAK):
+                        element._load_artifact(pull=False)
+                        if (
+                            sources_of_cached_elements
+                            or not element._can_query_cache()
+                            or not element._cached_success()
+                        ):
+                            element._query_source_cache()
+                        if not element._pull_pending():
+                            element._load_artifact_done()
+                    elif element._has_all_sources_resolved():
-                    if not element._pull_pending():
-                        element._load_artifact_done()
-                elif element._has_all_sources_resolved():
-                    element._query_source_cache()
     # shell()