blob: fbeb7c398418b1303e0c71baf5b6fd65a42d07d3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Pylint doesn't play well with fixtures and dependency injection from pytest
# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
import os
import pytest
from buildstream.testing import create_repo
from buildstream.testing import cli # pylint: disable=unused-import
from buildstream import _yaml
# Project directory
DATA_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "project",)
# create_element()
# Args:
# project (str): The project directory where testing is happening
# name (str): The element name to create
# dependencies (list): The list of dependencies to dump into YAML format
# Returns:
# (Repo): The corresponding git repository created for the element
def create_element(project, name, dependencies):
dev_files_path = os.path.join(project, "files", "dev-files")
element_path = os.path.join(project, "elements")
repo = create_repo("git", project, "{}-repo".format(name))
ref = repo.create(dev_files_path)
element = {"kind": "import", "sources": [repo.source_config(ref=ref)], "depends": dependencies}
_yaml.roundtrip_dump(element, os.path.join(element_path, name))
return repo
# This tests a variety of scenarios and checks that the order in
# which things are processed remains stable.
# This is especially important in order to ensure that our
# depth sorting and optimization of which elements should be
# processed first is doing it's job right, and that we are
# promoting elements to the build queue as soon as possible
# Parameters:
# targets (target elements): The targets to invoke bst with
# template (dict): The project template dictionary, for create_element()
# expected (list): A list of element names in the expected order
# First simple test
{"0.bst": ["1.bst"], "1.bst": [], "2.bst": ["0.bst"], "3.bst": ["0.bst", "1.bst", "2.bst"]},
["1.bst", "0.bst", "2.bst", "3.bst"],
# A more complicated test with build of build dependencies
"a.bst": [],
"base.bst": [],
"timezones.bst": [],
"middleware.bst": [{"filename": "base.bst", "type": "build"}],
"app.bst": [{"filename": "middleware.bst", "type": "build"}],
"target.bst": ["a.bst", "base.bst", "middleware.bst", "app.bst", "timezones.bst"],
["base.bst", "middleware.bst", "a.bst", "app.bst", "timezones.bst", "target.bst"],
@pytest.mark.parametrize("operation", [("show"), ("fetch"), ("build")])
def test_order(cli, datafiles, operation, target, template, expected):
project = str(datafiles)
# Configure to only allow one fetcher at a time, make it easy to
# determine what is being planned in what order.
cli.configure({"scheduler": {"fetchers": 1, "builders": 1}})
# Build the project from the template, make import elements
# all with the same repo
for element, dependencies in template.items():
create_element(project, element, dependencies)
# Run test and collect results
if operation == "show":
result =["show", "--deps", "plan", "--format", "%{name}", target], project=project, silent=True)
results = result.output.splitlines()
if operation == "fetch":
result =["source", "fetch", target], project=project, silent=True)
result =[operation, target], project=project, silent=True)
results = result.get_start_order(operation)
# Assert the order
print("Expected order: {}".format(expected))
print("Observed result order: {}".format(results))
assert results == expected