| # |
| # Tox global configuration |
| # |
| [tox] |
| envlist = py37,py{38,39,310}-nocover |
| skip_missing_interpreters = true |
| isolated_build = true |
| |
| # Configuration variables to share across environments |
| [config] |
| BST_PLUGINS_EXPERIMENTAL_VERSION = 74d0a8d918563e70e6d140e0bc4765fbf4945dc5 |
| BST_PLUGINS_VERSION = ed65975aa3b0629a36112d474366ac86d4da8261 |
| |
| # |
| # Defaults for all environments |
| # |
| # Anything specified here is inherited by the sections |
| # |
| [testenv] |
| usedevelop = |
| # This is required by Cython in order to get coverage for cython files. |
| py{37,38,39,310}-!nocover: True |
| |
| commands = |
| # Running with coverage reporting enabled |
| py{37,38,39,310}-!plugins-!nocover: pytest --basetemp {envtmpdir} --cov=buildstream --cov-config .coveragerc {posargs} |
| # Running with coverage reporting disabled |
| py{37,38,39,310}-!plugins-nocover: pytest --basetemp {envtmpdir} {posargs} |
| # Running external plugins tests with coverage reporting enabled |
| py{37,38,39,310}-plugins-!nocover: pytest --basetemp {envtmpdir} --cov=buildstream --cov-config .coveragerc --plugins {posargs} |
| # Running external plugins tests with coverage disabled |
| py{37,38,39,310}-plugins-nocover: pytest --basetemp {envtmpdir} --plugins {posargs} |
| commands_post: |
| py{37,38,39,310}-!nocover: mkdir -p .coverage-reports |
| py{37,38,39,310}-!nocover: mv {envtmpdir}/.coverage {toxinidir}/.coverage-reports/.coverage.{env:COVERAGE_PREFIX:}{envname} |
| deps = |
| py{37,38,39,310}: -rrequirements/requirements.txt |
| py{37,38,39,310}: -rrequirements/dev-requirements.txt |
| py{37,38,39,310}: git+https://github.com/apache/buildstream-plugins.git@{env:BST_PLUGINS_VERSION:{[config]BST_PLUGINS_VERSION}} |
| |
| # Install local sample plugins for testing pip plugin origins |
| py{37,38,39,310}: {toxinidir}/tests/plugins/sample-plugins |
| |
| # Install external plugins for plugin tests |
| py{37,38,39,310}-plugins: git+https://gitlab.com/buildstream/bst-plugins-experimental.git@{env:BST_PLUGINS_EXPERIMENTAL_VERSION:{[config]BST_PLUGINS_EXPERIMENTAL_VERSION}}#egg=bst_plugins_experimental[deb] |
| |
| # Only require coverage and pytest-cov when using it |
| !nocover: -rrequirements/cov-requirements.txt |
| |
| # Install pytest-random-order for '-randomized' |
| randomized: pytest-random-order |
| passenv = |
| http_proxy |
| https_proxy |
| no_proxy |
| # |
| # These keys are not inherited by any other sections |
| # |
| setenv = |
| py{37,38,39,310}: COVERAGE_FILE = {envtmpdir}/.coverage |
| py{37,38,39,310}: BST_TEST_HOME = {envtmpdir} |
| py{37,38,39,310}: BST_TEST_XDG_CACHE_HOME = {envtmpdir}/cache |
| py{37,38,39,310}: BST_TEST_XDG_CONFIG_HOME = {envtmpdir}/config |
| py{37,38,39,310}: BST_TEST_XDG_DATA_HOME = {envtmpdir}/share |
| |
| # This is required to run tests with python 3.7 |
| py37: SETUPTOOLS_ENABLE_FEATURES = "legacy-editable" |
| |
| # This is required to get coverage for Cython |
| py{37,38,39,310}-!nocover: BST_CYTHON_TRACE = 1 |
| randomized: PYTEST_ADDOPTS="--random-order-bucket=global" |
| |
| whitelist_externals = |
| py{37,38,39,310}: |
| mv |
| mkdir |
| |
| # |
| # Environment for native windows |
| # |
| [testenv:win32] |
| commands = |
| bst help |
| cmd /C md testdir |
| bst init testdir --project-name="test" |
| deps = |
| -rrequirements/requirements.txt |
| -rrequirements/dev-requirements.txt |
| colorama |
| windows-curses |
| cython |
| . |
| whitelist_externals = |
| bst |
| cmd |
| |
| # |
| # Coverage reporting |
| # |
| [testenv:coverage] |
| # This is required by Cython in order to get coverage for cython files. |
| usedevelop = True |
| |
| commands = |
| coverage combine --rcfile={toxinidir}/.coveragerc {toxinidir}/.coverage-reports/ |
| coverage html --rcfile={toxinidir}/.coveragerc --directory={toxinidir}/.coverage-reports/ |
| coverage report --rcfile={toxinidir}/.coveragerc --show-missing |
| deps = |
| -rrequirements/cov-requirements.txt |
| setenv = |
| COVERAGE_FILE = {toxinidir}/.coverage-reports/.coverage |
| |
| # |
| # Code formatters |
| # |
| [testenv:format] |
| skip_install = True |
| deps = |
| black==22.3.0 |
| commands = |
| black {posargs: src tests doc/source/conf.py setup.py} |
| |
| # |
| # Code format checkers |
| # |
| [testenv:format-check] |
| skip_install = True |
| deps = |
| black==22.3.0 |
| commands = |
| black --check --diff {posargs: src tests doc/source/conf.py setup.py} |
| |
| # |
| # Running linters |
| # |
| [testenv:lint] |
| commands_pre = |
| # Build C extensions to allow Pylint to analyse them |
| {envpython} setup.py build_ext --inplace |
| |
| commands = |
| pylint {posargs: src/buildstream tests doc/source/conf.py setup.py} |
| deps = |
| -rrequirements/requirements.txt |
| -rrequirements/dev-requirements.txt |
| Cython |
| |
| # |
| # Running static type checkers |
| # |
| [testenv:mypy] |
| skip_install = True |
| commands = |
| mypy {posargs} |
| deps = |
| mypy==0.910 |
| types-protobuf |
| types-python-dateutil |
| types-setuptools |
| types-ujson |
| -rrequirements/requirements.txt |
| -rrequirements/dev-requirements.txt |
| |
| |
| # |
| # Building documentation |
| # |
| [testenv:docs] |
| commands = |
| make -C doc |
| # sphinx_rtd_theme < 0.4.2 breaks search functionality for Sphinx >= 1.8 |
| deps = |
| sphinx >= 1.8.5 |
| sphinx-click |
| sphinx_rtd_theme >= 0.4.2 |
| pytest |
| -rrequirements/requirements.txt |
| git+https://github.com/apache/buildstream-plugins.git@{env:BST_PLUGINS_VERSION:{[config]BST_PLUGINS_VERSION}} |
| passenv = |
| HOME |
| LANG |
| LC_ALL |
| whitelist_externals = |
| make |
| |
| # |
| # (re-)Generating man pages |
| # |
| [testenv:man] |
| commands = |
| python3 setup.py --command-packages=click_man.commands man_pages |
| deps = |
| click-man >= 0.3.0 |
| -rrequirements/requirements.txt |
| |
| |
| # |
| # Usefull for running arbitrary scripts in a BuildStream virtual env |
| # |
| [testenv:venv] |
| commands = {posargs} |
| deps = |
| -rrequirements/requirements.txt |
| -rrequirements/dev-requirements.txt |
| whitelist_externals = * |
| |
| |
| # |
| # Convenience environment for running individual tests from the |
| # battery of templated source tests. |
| # |
| # You should pass this the part of a test node's id after "::". For |
| # example, to run the test |
| # buildstream/testing/_sourcetests/fetch.py::test_fetch_cross_junction[git-inline] |
| # you would do tox -e sourcetests -- test_fetch_cross_junction[git-inline] |
| # |
| # This does rely on the fact that none of the tests in |
| # buildstream.testing have the same name. |
| # |
| [testenv:sourcetests] |
| commands = pytest --basetemp {envtmpdir} --ignore tests -k "{posargs}" |
| deps = |
| -rrequirements/requirements.txt |
| -rrequirements/dev-requirements.txt |
| |
| # When building using PEP518 and 517, we don't want default dependencies |
| # installed by the base environment. |
| [testenv:.package] |
| deps = |