blob: 7aa4320bded088c081dc93c57e2db1bfb89be09c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* Test the ModalWizard can build a modal to view, edit and submit an application.
"underscore", "jquery", "backbone", "codemirror",
"view/application-add-wizard", "model/application", "model/location"
// "text!tpl/home/step1.html", "text!tpl/home/step2.html", "text!tpl/home/step3.html",
// "text!tpl/home/step1-location-row.html", "text!tpl/home/step1-location-option.html",
// "text!tpl/home/step2-entity-entry.html", "text!tpl/home/step2-config-entry.html"
], function (_, $, Backbone, AppAddWizard, Application, Locations
// ,
// Entities,
// Step1Html, Step2Html, Step3Html,
// Step1LocationRowHtml, LocationOptionHtml,
// Step2EntityEntryHtml, Step2ConfigEntryHtml
) {
/* TEST disabled until we can more cleanly supply javascript.
* should probably move to have one big model,
* rather than passing around lots of small model items.
// Backbone.View.prototype.close = function () {
// if (this.beforeClose) {
// this.beforeClose()
// }
// this.remove()
// this.unbind()
// }
// var fakeRouter = new Backbone.Router()
// var modal = new ModalWizard({appRouter:fakeRouter});
// describe("view/modal-wizard", function () {
// it("creates an empty Application.Spec", function () {
// expect(modal.model.get("name")).toBe("")
// expect(modal.model.get("entities")).toEqual([])
// expect(modal.model.get("locations")).toEqual([])
// })
// it("creates a view for each of the 3 steps", function () {
// expect(modal.steps.length).toBe(3)
// expect(modal.steps[0].view instanceof ModalWizard.Step1).toBeTruthy()
// expect(modal.steps[1].view instanceof ModalWizard.Step2).toBeTruthy()
// expect(modal.steps[2].view instanceof ModalWizard.Step3).toBeTruthy()
// })
// it("beforeClose method closes all 3 subviews", function () {
// spyOn(Backbone.View.prototype, "close").andCallThrough()
// modal.beforeClose()
// expect(modal.steps[0].view.close).toHaveBeenCalled()
// expect(modal.steps[1].view.close).toHaveBeenCalled()
// expect(modal.steps[2].view.close).toHaveBeenCalled()
// })
// })
// describe("view/modal-wizard step1", function () {
// var app, view
// beforeEach(function () {
// app = new Application.Spec
// view = new ModalWizard.Step1({model:app})
// view.locations.url = "fixtures/location-list.json"
// view.locations.fetch({async:false})
// view.render()
// })
// afterEach(function () {
// view.close()
// })
// it("does not validate empty view", function () {
// expect(view.validate()).toBe(false)
// expect(view.$("#app-locations ul").html()).toBe("")
// expect(view.$("#application-name").text()).toBe("")
// })
// it("updates the name on blur", function () {
// view.$("#application-name").val("myapp")
// view.$("#application-name").trigger("blur")
// expect(app.get("name")).toBe("myapp")
// })
// it("adds and removes location", function () {
// expect(app.get("locations").length).toBe(0)
// view.$("#add-app-location").trigger("click")
// expect(app.get("locations").length).toBe(1)
// view.$(".remove").trigger("click")
// expect(app.get("locations").length).toBe(0)
// })
// })
// describe("view/modal-wizard step2", function () {
// var app, view
// beforeEach(function () {
// app = new Application.Spec
// view = new ModalWizard.Step2({model:app})
// // TODO supply catalog entities
// view.render()
// })
// afterEach(function () {
// view.close()
// })
// // to be added
// })
// describe("view/modal-wizard step3", function () {
// var app, view
// beforeEach(function () {
// app = new Application.Spec
// view = new ModalWizard.Step3({model:app})
// view.render()
// })
// afterEach(function () {
// view.close()
// })
// it("has #app-summary to render the application", function () {
// expect(view.$("#app-summary").length).toBe(1)
// })
// it("validates only when application spec contains data", function () {
// expect(view.validate()).toBe(false)
// app.set({name:"myapp", locations:["/dummy/1"], entities:[
// {}
// ]})
// expect(view.validate()).toBe(true)
// })
// })
// describe('tpl/home/step1.html', function () {
// var $step = $(Step1Html)
// it('must have input#application-name', function () {
// expect($step.find('input#application-name').length).toEqual(1);
// });
// it('must have div#app-locations', function () {
// var $appLocations = $step.filter('div#app-locations');
// expect($appLocations.length).toEqual(1);
// expect($appLocations.find('h4').length).toEqual(1);
// expect($appLocations.find('ul').length).toEqual(1);
// expect($appLocations.find('button#toggle-selector-container').length).toEqual(1);
// });
// it('must have select#select-location', function () {
// expect($step.find('select#select-location').length).toEqual(1);
// });
// it('must have button#add-app-location', function () {
// expect($step.find('button#add-app-location').length).toEqual(1);
// });
// it('must have', function () {
// expect($step.filter('').length).toEqual(1);
// })
// });
// describe('tpl/home/step2.html', function () {
// var $step = $(Step2Html);
// it('must have div#entities with h4 and ul', function () {
// var $div = $step.filter('div#entities');
// expect($div.length).toEqual(1);
// expect($div.find('h4').length).toEqual(1);
// expect($div.find('ul').length).toEqual(1);
// expect($div.find('button#toggle-entity-form').length).toEqual(1);
// });
// it('must have div#new-entity with all components', function () {
// var $div = $step.filter('div#new-entity');
// expect($div.length).toEqual(1);
// expect($div.find('div#entity-form').length).toEqual(1);
// expect($div.find('button#add-app-entity').length).toEqual(1);
// expect($div.find('div.entity-info-message').length).toEqual(1);
// });
// it('must have', function () {
// expect($step.filter('').length).toEqual(1);
// });
// });
// describe('tpl/home/step3.html', function () {
// var $step = $(Step3Html);
// it('div.body must have h3 and textarea#app-summary', function () {
// expect($step.find('h3').length).toEqual(1);
// expect($step.find('textarea#app-summary').length).toEqual(1);
// });
// it('must have', function () {
// expect($step.filter('').length).toEqual(1);
// });
// });