blob: fdc35ba46a90050cd104d7b55673f4654da8318d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import angular from 'angular';
import brooklynStatus from 'brooklyn-ui-utils/status/status';
import brWebNotifications from 'brooklyn-ui-utils/web-notifications/web-notifications';
import entityTreeTemplate from './entity-tree.html';
import entityNodeTemplate from './entity-node.html';
import {inspectState} from '../../views/main/inspect/inspect.controller';
import {summaryState} from '../../views/main/inspect/summary/summary.controller';
import {activitiesState} from '../../views/main/inspect/activities/activities.controller';
import {detailState} from '../../views/main/inspect/activities/detail/detail.controller';
import {managementState} from '../../views/main/inspect/management/management.controller';
import {detailState as managementDetailState} from '../../views/main/inspect/management/detail/detail.controller';
import {HIDE_INTERSTITIAL_SPINNER_EVENT} from 'brooklyn-ui-utils/interstitial-spinner/interstitial-spinner';
import {RELATIONSHIP_VIEW_DELIMITER, VIEW_PARENT_CHILD} from '../../views/main/main.controller';
const MODULE_NAME = 'inspector.entity.tree';
angular.module(MODULE_NAME, [brooklynStatus, brWebNotifications])
.directive('entityTree', entityTreeDirective)
.directive('entityNode', entityNodeDirective);
export default MODULE_NAME;
export function entityTreeDirective() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
template: entityTreeTemplate,
scope: {
sortReverse: '=',
viewModes: '=',
viewMode: '<'
controller: ['$scope', '$state', 'applicationApi', 'entityApi', 'iconService', 'brWebNotifications', controller],
controllerAs: 'vm'
function controller($scope, $state, applicationApi, entityApi, iconService, brWebNotifications) {
let vm = this;
let observers = [];
sensors: 'deployment.metadata'
}).then((response)=> {
vm.applications =;
observers.push(response.subscribe((response)=> {
.filter(x => => === -1)
.forEach((app) => {
spawnNotification(app, {
body: 'New application deployment. Current status: ' + app.serviceState,
data: $state.href('main.inspect.summary', {applicationId:, entityId:})
.filter(x => => === -1)
.forEach((app) => {
spawnNotification(app, {
body: 'Application permanently un-deployed',
data: $state.href('main')
vm.applications =;
function spawnNotification(app, opts) {
iconService.get(app).then((icon)=> {
let options = Object.assign({
icon: app.iconUrl || icon,
}, opts);
brWebNotifications.send('Brooklyn: ' +, options);
* Analyzes relationships of the entity tree and prepares mode views, e.g. 'parent/child'.
* @param {Array.<Object>} entityTree The entity tree to process and prepare view modes for.
function analyzeRelationships(entityTree) {
let entities = entityTreeToArray(entityTree);
let relationships = findAllRelationships(entities);
// Initialize entity tree with 'parent/child' view first (default view).
// Identify new view modes based on relationships. This adds a drop-down menu with new views if found any.
// Re-arrange entity tree for other views if present.
addOtherViews(entities, relationships);
* Converts entity tree to array of entities.
* @param {Array.<Object>} entities The entity tree to convert.
* @returns {Array.<Object>} The array of all entities found in the tree.
function entityTreeToArray(entities) {
let nodes = [];
if (!Array.isArray(entities) || entities.length === 0) {
return nodes;
entities.forEach(entity => {
nodes = nodes.concat(entityTreeToArray(entity.children));
nodes = nodes.concat(entityTreeToArray(entity.members));
return entities.concat(nodes);
* Extends entity tree with other view modes. Moves entities (creates copies) if their host is
* not a parent and labels them to display under other view modes only.
* @param {Array.<Object>} entities The entity tree converted to array.
* @param {Array.<Object>} relationships The relationships of entities.
function addOtherViews(entities, relationships) {
let otherViews = Array.from($scope.viewModes).filter(r => r !== VIEW_PARENT_CHILD);
otherViews.forEach(view => {
// Get 'OTHER_PARENT' and 'OTHER_CHILD' identifiers.
const {OTHER_PARENT, OTHER_CHILD} = getRelationshipViewIdentifiers(view);
// Phase 1. Look through all entities found in the entity tree: process entity with 'OTHER_PARENT'
// roles and entities without roles.
entities.forEach(entity => {
// Get relationship roles for an entity.
const {parentRole, childRole} = getRelationshipRoles(relationships,, OTHER_PARENT, OTHER_CHILD);
if (parentRole) {
// Label every 'OTHER_PARENT' entity to display and highlight in 'OTHER_PARENT/OTHER_CHILD'
// view mode, only if it does not play the role of 'OTHER_CHILD' at the same time.
if (!childRole) {
displayEntityInView(entity, view);
highlightEntityInView(entity, view);
// Look for 'OTHER_CHILD' entities under 'OTHER_PARENT', flip or move them and label to display in
// 'OTHER_PARENT/OTHER_CHILD' view mode respectively.
parentRole.targets.forEach(target => {
let relatedEntity = findEntity(entities, target);
if (relatedEntity) {
highlightEntityInView(relatedEntity, view);
displayParentsInView(entities, relatedEntity.parentId, view);
// Re-arrange the tree if related 'OTHER_CHILD' entity is not a child of 'OTHER_PARENT'.
if (relatedEntity.parentId !== {
if ( === entity.parentId) {
// 4.1. Flip 'OTHER_CHILD' parent with a 'OTHER_PARENT' child.
flipParentAndChild(relatedEntity, entity, entities, view);
} else {
// 4.2. Move 'OTHER_CHILD' entity to a new 'OTHER_PARENT' parent.
moveEntityToParent(relatedEntity, entity, entities, view);
} else if (!parentRole && !childRole) {
// Display original position for any other entity under 'OTHER_PARENT/OTHER_CHILD' view. Do
// no highlight entities that are required to be displayed but do not belong to this view.
displayEntityInView(entity, view);
// Phase 2. Look through all entities found again and process entities that play both roles:
entities.forEach(entity => {
// Get relationship roles for an entity.
const {parentRole, childRole} = getRelationshipRoles(relationships,, OTHER_PARENT, OTHER_CHILD);
if (childRole) {
if (parentRole) {
// Find new position where entity is an 'OTHER_CHILD' already, but to become 'OTHER_PARENT' as well.
let newParentPosition = findEntityInOtherNodes(entities,;
// Move 'OTHER_CHILD' entities added in Phase 1 to a new parent.
if (entity.otherNodes && newParentPosition) {
entity.otherNodes.forEach(entityToMove => {
moveEntityToParent(entityToMove, newParentPosition, entities, view, false);
adjustVisibilityOfMovedEntity(entity, view);
* @returns {{OTHER_PARENT, OTHER_CHILD}} tuple with relationship view identifiers.
function getRelationshipViewIdentifiers(view) {
const otherParentChildIdentifiers = view.split(RELATIONSHIP_VIEW_DELIMITER);
let OTHER_PARENT = otherParentChildIdentifiers[0];
let OTHER_CHILD = otherParentChildIdentifiers[1];
* @returns {{parentRole, childRole}} relationships tuple with parent and child roles.
function getRelationshipRoles(relationships, entityId, parentViewIdentifier, childViewIdentifier) {
const relationshipsFound = relationships.filter(r => === entityId);
const parentRole = relationshipsFound.find(r => === parentViewIdentifier);
const childRole = relationshipsFound.find(r => === childViewIdentifier);
return {parentRole, childRole};
* Flips parent entity with its child.
* @param {Object} parent The parent entity to flip with its child.
* @param {Object} child The child entity to flip with its parent.
* @param {Array.<Object>} entities The entity tree converted to array.
* @param {string} viewMode The view mode to display copy of the entity in only.
function flipParentAndChild(parent, child, entities, viewMode) {
let parentOfTheParent = findEntity(entities, parent.parentId);
if (parentOfTheParent) {
hideEntityInView(child, viewMode);
let childCopy = moveEntityToParent(child, parentOfTheParent, entities, viewMode);
moveEntityToParent(parent, childCopy, entities, viewMode);
* Moves entity to a new parent, creates copy of the entity under parent.otherNodes.
* @param {Object} entity The entity to move.
* @param {Object} parent The parent to move entity to.
* @param {Array.<Object>} entities The entity tree converted to array.
* @param {string} viewMode The view mode to display copy of the entity in only.
* @param {boolean} decorateName Indicates whether to decorate name or not, true by default.
* @returns {Object} The copy of the entity under parent.otherNodes.
function moveEntityToParent(entity, parent, entities, viewMode, decorateName = true) {
// 1. Create a copy.
let entityCopy = Object.assign({}, entity);
// 2. Include the name of the original parent.
let parentOfEntity = findEntity(entities, entityCopy.parentId);
if (parentOfEntity && decorateName) { += ' (' + + ')';
// 3. Label it to display in a view mode specified only.
entityCopy.viewModes = null;
displayEntityInView(entityCopy, viewMode);
// 4. Mark original entity as been "moved" in this view.
if (!entity.movedInView) {
entity.movedInView = new Set([viewMode]);
} else {
// 5. Add copy under otherNodes.
if (!parent.otherNodes) {
parent.otherNodes = [entityCopy];
} else {
return entityCopy;
* Labels all parents to display for a particular view mode starting from a specified ID, traverses the node
* tree recursively, bottom-up.
* @param {Array.<Object>} entities The array of entities to search parents to label.
* @param {string} id The ID of a parent entity to start labelling.
* @param {string} viewMode The view mode to display parent in.
function displayParentsInView(entities, id, viewMode) {
let entity = findEntity(entities, id);
if (entity) {
displayEntityInView(entity, viewMode);
displayParentsInView(entities, entity.parentId, viewMode);
* Attempts to find entity with ID specified in array of entities.
* @param {Array.<Object>} entities The array of entities to search for a particular entity in.
* @param {string} id The ID of entity to look for.
* @returns {Object} The entity with ID requested, and undefined otherwise.
function findEntity(entities, id) {
return entities.find(entity => === id) || null;
* Attempts to find entity with ID specified in array of entities under 'otherNodes'.
* @param {Array.<Object>} entities The array of entities to search for a particular entity in.
* @param {string} id The ID of entity to look for under 'otherNodes'.
* @returns {Object} The entity with ID requested, and undefined otherwise.
function findEntityInOtherNodes(entities, id) {
for (const entity of entities) {
if (entity.otherNodes) {
let found = entity.otherNodes.find(e => === id);
if (found) {
return found;
return null;
* Labels entity to not display in particular view mode.
* @param {Object} entity The entity to label.
* @param {string} viewMode The view mode to not display entity in.
function hideEntityInView(entity, viewMode) {
if (entity.viewModes) {
* Labels entity to display in particular view mode.
* @param {Object} entity The entity to label.
* @param {string} viewMode The view mode to display entity in.
function displayEntityInView(entity, viewMode) {
if (!entity.viewModes) {
entity.viewModes = new Set([viewMode]);
} else {
* Hides entity if marked as moved in a particular view, and displays it otherwise.
* @param {Object} entity The entity to adjust visibility for.
* @param {string} viewMode The view mode to check visibility of a moved entity
function adjustVisibilityOfMovedEntity(entity, viewMode) {
if (entity.movedInView && entity.movedInView.has(viewMode)) {
hideEntityInView(entity, viewMode);
} else {
displayEntityInView(entity, viewMode);
* Labels entity to highlight in particular view mode.
* @param {Object} entity The entity to label.
* @param {string} viewMode The view mode to highlight entity in.
function highlightEntityInView(entity, viewMode) {
if (!entity.viewModesHighlight) {
entity.viewModesHighlight = new Set([viewMode]);
} else {
* Initializes entity tree with 'parent/child' view mode. This is a default view mode.
* @param {Array.<Object>} entities The entity tree to initialize with 'parent/child' view mode.
function initParentChildView(entities) {
entities.forEach(entity => {
displayEntityInView(entity, VIEW_PARENT_CHILD);
* Identifies new view modes based on relationships between entities. Updates {@link $scope.viewModes} set.
* @param {Array.<Object>} relationships The relationships of entities.
function updateViewModes(relationships) {
let viewModesDiscovered = new Set([VIEW_PARENT_CHILD]); // 'parent/child' view mode is a minimum required
relationships.forEach(relationship => {
relationship.targets.forEach(id => {
let target = relationships.find(item => === id);
if (target && !== {
let uniqueRelationshipName = [,].sort().join(RELATIONSHIP_VIEW_DELIMITER);
$scope.viewModes = viewModesDiscovered; // Refresh view modes
* Finds relationships in array of entities.
* @param {Array.<Object>} entities The array of entities to search relationships in.
* @returns {Array.<Object>} Relationships found in entities.
function findAllRelationships(entities) {
let relationships = [];
if (!Array.isArray(entities) || entities.length === 0) {
return relationships;
entities.forEach(entity => {
if (Array.isArray(entity.relations)) {
entity.relations.forEach(r => {
let relationship = {
name:'/')[0], // read name up until '/'
targets: Array.isArray(r.targets) ? r.targets : []
return relationships;
$scope.$on('$destroy', ()=> {
observers.forEach((observer)=> {
export function entityNodeDirective() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
template: entityNodeTemplate,
scope: {
entity: '<',
applicationId: '<',
viewMode: '<'
link: link,
controller: ['$scope', '$state', '$stateParams', 'iconService', controller]
function link($scope) {
$scope.$on('notifyEntity', function (ev, data) {
if ($ {
if ( !== $ {
switch (data.message) {
case 'expandChildren':
$scope.isOpen =;
$scope.isChildrenOpen =;
case 'openChildren' :
$scope.isOpen =;
function controller ($scope, $state, $stateParams, iconService) {
$scope.isOpen = true;
if ($scope.entity.type) {
iconService.get($scope.entity, true).then(value => $scope.iconUrl = value);
} else {
// it's a member of a group; we could look up the target and take that icon, but for now, no icon
if ($stateParams.entityId === $ {
$scope.$emit('notifyEntity', {
message: 'expandChildren',
id: $,
open: true
$scope.isSelected = function() {
return $stateParams.entityId === $;
$scope.getHref = function() {
if ($ {
return $state.href(, {
applicationId: $scope.applicationId,
entityId: $
if ($ {
return $state.href(, {
applicationId: $scope.applicationId,
entityId: $
if ($ {
return $state.href($, {
applicationId: $scope.applicationId,
entityId: $
return $state.href(, {
applicationId: $scope.applicationId,
entityId: $
$scope.onToggle = function ($event) {
if ($event.shiftKey && $event.metaKey) {
$scope.isChildrenOpen = !$scope.isChildrenOpen;
$scope.$broadcast('notifyEntity', {
'message': 'expandChildren',
'id': $,
'open': $scope.isChildrenOpen
} else {
$scope.isOpen = true;
$scope.isChildrenOpen = !$scope.isChildrenOpen;
$scope.$broadcast('notifyEntity', {
'message': 'openChildren',
'id': $scope.entityId,
'open': $scope.isOpen
* @returns {boolean} True if to highlight entity in a current view, false otherwise.
$scope.isHighlight = function() {
return $scope.entity.viewModesHighlight && $scope.entity.viewModesHighlight.has($scope.viewMode);
* Counts amount of entity nodes that are expected to be displayed in the current view.
* @returns {number} Amount of entity nodes in the current view.
$scope.nodesInCurrentView = () => {
let amount = 0;
if ($scope.entity.children) {
amount += $scope.entity.children.filter(entity => entity.viewModes.has($scope.viewMode)).length;
if ($scope.entity.members) {
amount += $scope.entity.members.filter(entity => entity.viewModes.has($scope.viewMode)).length;
if ($scope.entity.otherNodes) {
amount += $scope.entity.otherNodes.filter(entity => entity.viewModes.has($scope.viewMode)).length;
return amount;